- ZL210A casting Al alloy ZL210A铸造铝合金
- Low temperature aging for die casting Al alloy under appropriate technological condition can increase average strength and Brinell hardness more than 10% and 30% respectively. 对压铸铝合金进行低温时效 ,在最佳工艺条件下 ,合金的平均拉伸强度提高 10%25 以上 ,布氏硬度提高 30%25以上。
- Different influence of Sr modification with different paramete rs by analyzing metallographic structure on properties of die casting Al alloy i s studied. 通过金相组织分析以及在不同参数下以锶变质对压铸铝合金性能带来的各种影响进行了试验。
- Grain Growth of In-situ Reactive Liquidus Cast Al Alloy at Semi-solid State 原位反应液相线铸造半固态铝合金的晶粒长大行为
- Keywords Die Casting Al Alloy;Sr Modification;Metallograph Analysis;Mechanical Properties; 压铸铝合金;锶变质;金相分析;力学性能;
- It also presents the research trend of cast Al?Si alloy. 对铸造Al?Si合金以后的研究方向提出了看法
- casting Al alloy 铸造铝合金
- die casting Al alloy 压铸铝合金
- die casting Al alloy ADC12 压铸Al合金ADC12
- Fe Removal in Cast Al Alloy 铸造铝合金的除铁
- The proper RE addition to cast Al melt can obviously de crease amounts of gas/pin hole in solidified alloy. 铸铝合金在熔炼的过程中,加入适量稀土可以明显减少凝固后合金中气孔、针孔的数量。
- The vacuum differential-pressure casting (VDPC)technol ogy for thin-wall ed Al alloy was introduced. 介绍了用于薄壁铝合金铸件的真空差压铸造工艺。
- The industrial practical crystallizer for Al alloy in low-frequent electromagnetic casting was designed based on the above mentioned idea. 结合生产实际情况,设计出工业上实用的低频电磁铸造铝合金结晶器。
- The microstructure, mechanical properties and deformation characteristics have been studied for a cast Al Si Mg alloy A357 treated under different aging conditions. 研究了Al?Si?Mg系A357合金在不同时效状态下的显微组织、力学性能及形变特性。
- Small amounts of sample on miligram scale are taken from the fracture surface of a casting Al Cu alloy, and its main constituents are determined by FAAS (for Cu, Mn and Cd) and GFAAS ( for Ti). 研究了铸铝铜合金拉伸断口毫克级样品中主成分铜、锰、镉的火焰原子吸收光谱法(FAAS)和钛的石墨炉原子吸收光谱法(GFAAS)。
- T2 Cu/2A50 Al alloy was bonded by blacksmith diffusion welding technology. 采用锻接扩散焊法进行了T2铜/2A50铝合金异种材料的焊接。
- Production of casting Al alloys 铸造铝合金生产
- AbstractProgress in research on cast Al base composite enhanced by grain has been introduced. 介绍了铸造法制备颗粒增强铝基复合材料研究的进展情况;
- Microstructures and wear resistance of spray formed Al Pb alloys were studied and compared with those of conventional cast Al Pb alloy. 研究了喷射沉积成形Al?Pb 合金的显微组织及耐磨性能, 并与铸态Al?Pb 合金进行了对比。
- Scandium-modified Al alloys are a new kind of high performance alloys. 钪改性的铝合金是一类高性能新型铝合金。