- Zea Disploperennis 大刍草
- Effect of Saline Alkali Soil Stress on Zea mays L. 土壤的盐碱化对玉米的胁迫作用。
- The development of vein in Zea mays L. 玉米(Zea mays L.;)叶脉发育的研究
- Mays zea Gaertn.Fruct.Semin.Pl.1:6,pl.1,fig.9.1788. 包谷;栗米;包栗;棒子;玉米玉蜀黍属
- Protoplast Culture and Genetic Transformation of Zea mays L. 笋玉米原生质体培养及遗传转化的研究。
- Title: Accumulation and Partitioning of Copper in Corn(Zea mays L. 关键词:夏玉米;铜;吸收;积累;分配
- Root-cap Mucilage Binds Aluminum and Accumulates Organic Acids in Zea mays L. 玉米根冠粘胶和铝的结合及有机酸累积。
- The effects of Calcium Chloride on improving the salt resistance of Zea mays L. 氯化钙在提高玉米抗盐性方面的作用。
- Effect of Salt Stress on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Zea mays L. 盐胁迫对玉米种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响。
- Effects of Complex Saline-Alkafi Stress On The Seed Germination of Zea mays L. 混合盐碱胁迫对玉米种子萌发的影响。
- Title: Analysis of genetics of four kernel traits in maize(Zea mays L. 关键词:玉米;籽粒性状;遗传模型;基因效应
- Title: Study on Heredity of Main Forage Traits in Silage Maize (Zea mays L. 关键词:玉米;自交系;饲用性状;配合力;遗传
- Experiments were performed on 12 New Zea land white rabbits(12 eyes). 实验对象为12只新西兰白兔(12只眼)。
- Pollens of Tripsacum L. could germinate on the stigmas of maize (Zea mays L.). 摘要采用荧光显微技术,对摩擦禾、薏苡花粉在玉米柱头上的萌发和生长过程进行了观察。
- The detail from corn (Zea mays) leaf shows parallel venation of the major veins. 玉米叶的细节表明主脉的平行排列模式。
- Also starring in the dramedy are Donald Sutherland, William Baldwin, and Natalie Zea. 这部剧的演员还包括唐纳德·萨瑟兰,威廉·鲍德温和娜塔莉·基。
- Effect of different stress on roots activity and nitrate reductase activity in Zea mays L. 不同逆境对玉米幼苗根系活力及硝酸还原酶活性的影响。
- Studies on Breeding Early Maturing and Hard Grain Inbred Line H_(21) of Zea Mays L. 早熟硬粒型玉米自交系H_(21)选育研究
- A variety of corn, Zea mays everta, having hard kernels that burst to form white, irregularly shaped puffs when heated. 爆玉米花:玉米的一种爆花玉米,具有加热时会爆裂成松软、形状不规则的白色一团的硬壳。
- Ten accessions representing five grass genera (Oryza, Zea, Setaria, Triticum, and Phyllostachys) were used. 根据遗传距离建立了一个聚类树。