- Zhongyang city of Shanxi 山西中阳
- The Lishi tunnel in Lishi city of Shanxi Province is the first multi-arch loess tunnel. 山西省离石隧道为我国第一条黄土连拱公路隧道。
- One Erie, Mengniu, Yashi Li, Heilongjiang, Jiangxi bright heroes, such as the ancient city of Shanxi's brand has not detected. 记者注意到,在优惠牛奶产品的箱体上,基本上都贴有“不含三聚氰胺”的标识,而其生产日期却多为八月份。
- Taihang Mountains is located in the middle of the city of Yangquan Xi Lu, located in Shanxi, Hebei connect the hub of Shanxi Province is the gateway to the east. 阳泉市位于太行山中段西麓,地处山西连接河北的要冲,是山西省的东部门户。
- Beijing and Zhangjiakou City, north east, Langfang and Cangzhou city, south city of Shijiazhuang, Hengshui City, and connected to the western border of Shanxi Province. 北邻北京市和张家口市,东接廊坊市和沧州市,南与石家庄市和衡水市相连,西部与山西省接壤。
- Athens is a city of great antiquity. 雅典是一座古城。
- Hancheng city of Shanxi province 陕西韩城市
- The Acropolis dominates the city of Athens. 雅典的卫城高耸于雅典全城之上。
- He was born in HeJin city of Shanxi province, 他的籍贯是陕西省河津市。
- Welcome to University of Shanxi Dato. 山西大同大学欢迎您!
- Behind the city of Pompeii stood the4000-feet Mount Vesuvius. 庞培城的后面矗立着4000英尺高的维苏维火山。
- Henan Province is on the east of Shanxi Province. 河南省位于陕西省东边。
- The important cause lead to water shortage in quality is the lowly rate of sewage treatment in cities of Shanxi,volume of sewage water directly drained into reviers without any treatment. 制约山西污水再生回用的关键因素,一是观念,二是水价,核心问题是污水再生回用的利益驱动和产业化经营机制不健全、污水再生回用缺乏终端用户。
- The name of Mozart is coupled with the city of Salzburg. 莫扎特的名字是与萨尔茨堡城联系在一起的。
- London is among the greatest cities of the world. 伦敦是世界上最大的城市之一。
- London is amongst the greatest cities of the world. 伦敦是世界上最大的城市之一。
- Staff member of Shanxi Textiles Import and Export Company. 山西纺织品进出口公司职员。
- It is the port city of New Orleans, Louisiana. 路易斯安娜州的海港城市??新奥尔良。
- You know Vienna is a city of music. 您知道吧,维也纳是个音乐城。
- And the city of Susa held a joyous celebration. 书珊城的人民都欢呼快乐。