- Zhuang concubine 庄妃
- He left the train at Li Zhuang and proceeded home on foot. 他在李庄下车,步行往家里走去。
- A concubine or woman slave in a harem. 妻妾(伊斯兰教国家中)的后宫中的妾或女奴
- I'd say she is a concubine's daughter. 我猜是小老婆的女儿罢。
- Shi Jia Zhuang Hua Cheng Preckion Casting Co., Ltd. 石家庄华成精密铸件有限公司。
- To become a concubine -what a disgrace. 做姨太太,这是何等可耻的事。
- I come from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. 我来自广西壮族自治区。
- Is Zhuang Zi a Native of Mengcheng? 庄子蒙城人说质疑?
- The concubine must not be too beautiful. (一)娶个小的,不得过于漂亮。
- Zhuang Zi responded : "You are not me. 惠施问:“你不是鱼,怎么知鱼之乐?”
- The state of being a concubine . 苏丹的妻妾住在后宫.
- How long will we be at Li Zhuang? 我们在李庄要待多久?
- Son of Gideon by a concubine in Shechem. 基甸的妾在示剑所生的儿子。
- Jia Zhuang : green Jiezhuang possible? 家装:绿色家装可能吗?
- YJ-day wind Zhuang, Pengfei wave spring. 鹰击天风壮,鹏飞海浪春。
- Ironhand and Zhuang parted ways. 铁手跟庄怀飞分了手。
- His concubine, Mistress Chen, was visiting with her old mother. 陈姨太也回到了她的年老的母亲那里。
- However, the most legendary figure should be Zhuang Zedong. 但是,最富有传奇色彩的人物还要数庄则栋了。
- But the concubine was freehanded and went shopping every few days. 太太可手松,三天两头的出去买东西;
- The legal status of a concubine has varied in different societies. 在不同的社会,妾的法律地位有所不同。