- Zimbabwean Defence Minister 津巴布韦国防部长
- Rumor has it that the defence minister will soon resign. 据传闻,国防部长不久就要辞职。
- Rumor have it that the defence minister will soon resign. 据传闻,国防部长不久就要辞职。
- His visit is the first by a Soviet defence minister to the US. 他首先访问是苏联国防部长,然后是美国。
- The announcement was made in a communique issued by the Defence Minister. 这项公告是在国防部长的公报中发出的。
- An apparatchik turns to the defence minister and asks, “Who are they? 共产党官员转向国防部部长问道:“他们是谁?”
- His Royal Highness is the crown prince of Dubai and the defence minister of the United Arab Emirates. 参加会见的是阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜的皇储以及他的保镖。
- Through Sunnis in his government, such as the defence minister, he has been seeking out insurgent groups that might parley. 虽然在他政府里的逊尼派,如国防部长,一直在试图与暴乱的逊尼派社团取得可行性谈判。
- How can we get the UN to slow down when you make this kind of announcement by your Defence Minister? 你们的国防部长发表这样的声明,我们怎样能使联合国放慢步子呢?
- Defence Minister Robert Hill says the aircraft will be used for border control operations and intelligence gathering. 国防部长说,侦察机用于边界防卫和情报的收集。
- This week both the defence minister and the minister for unification offered to resign. 本周,韩国国防部长和统一部长官都提出了辞职。
- Meanwhile, the DPJ's shadow defence minister, Keiichiro Asao, backpedals from Mr Ozawa's recommendations. 同时民主党影子内阁防务相浅尾庆一郎也不再紧随小泽。
- Before the first war started, Yeltsin's defence minister boasted that Grozny would be taken in two hours. 在第一次战争开始之前,叶利钦的国防部长夸口说两小时内就可以拿下格罗兹尼。
- Two pirates also died, and three others were taken prisoner, said the French defence minister, Herve Morin. 法国国防部长埃尔维.;莫林称两名海盗被击毙,其他三名也被逮捕。
- The general in Korea is chosen by the Defence Minister and deputed into the Foreign Office. 这位将军被国防部长推选并被派到外交部工作。
- The Chinese defence minister visited just before the elections to agree to modernise Kenya's armed forces. 就在大选之前,中国国防部长访问了肯尼亚并赞同使肯尼亚的军队现代化。
- He raised Sergei Ivanov, the defence minister and another ex-KGB man, to the same position as Mr Medvedev. 他把国防部长谢尔盖&S226;伊万诺夫(SergeiIvanov,另一位前克格勃官员)提升到与梅德韦捷夫先生平起平坐的地位。
- He and his defence minister, Amir Peretz, are not ex-generals like their predecessors. 他和他的国防部长阿米尔-佩雷茨(AmirPeretz)都不想他们的前人那样是将军出身。
- This has provoked a political row, which this week engulfed Taiwan's defence minister, Lee Jye. 然而这一切却引起了一场政治的风潮,这甚至波及到了台湾的“国防部长”李杰。
- The Philippine Defence Minister Gilberto Teodor told the BBC the rescue operation had been helped by good conditions. 但幸运的是,天气和附近的陆地和附近的搜救船只对我们来说是非常大的帮助。