- One of these authorities is a Zionist Jew and the other is what the first would call an anti-semite; 上述主管当局之一是一个犹太复国主义犹太人和其他的是什麽,首先将要求反semite ;
- The Jews lived in dread of being caught. 这些犹太人生活在会遭到拘捕的恐惧之中。
- Zionist Jews 犹太人中的复国主义者
- Zionist Jew 犹太复国主义者
- Jews were persecuted by the Nazis. 犹太人受纳粹迫害。
- Hitler tried to liquidate the Jews in Germany. 希特勒试图全部消灭德国的犹太人。
- Many Jews come to this synagogue on Saturday. 星期六的时候,许多犹太人到这所犹太教会堂来。
- The German fascists massacred almost all the Jews in town. 德国法西斯分子几乎杀光了城里的犹太人。
- The Jews suffered terrible persecution under Hitler's rule. 犹太人在希特勒的统治下受到残酷的迫害。
- Toward the end of the 19th century Jews began to return to their traditional homeland as the Zionist movement was born. 由于犹太复国运动的诞生,到十九世纪末,犹太人开始返回他们的原本的家园。
- Can there ever be peace between Zionism and Islam? 犹太复国主义和伊斯兰之间究竟是否存在和平?
- His dream was not of some Zionist homeland, but a socialist Poland in which Jews would have cultural autonomy. 他的梦想中,波兰不是某些犹太复国主义的祖国,而是社会主义者的波兰,在社会主义者的波兰中,犹太人将拥有其文化自治权。
- Occupation was never a part of Zionism's agenda. 职业从来就不是一个犹太复国主义的议程的一部分。
- Moslems and Jews do not consider pork a clean meat. 回教徒和犹太教徒认为猪肉是不能吃的肉。
- The key to understanding Zionism lies in its name. 要理解锡安主义,可以从它的名字入手。
- Germany is exterminating the Jews of Europe. 德国正在灭绝欧洲犹太人。
- Without settlement, we will not fulfill Zionism. 没有殖民,我们不能完成锡安主义。
- Jews passed the store hand to hand up the gangway. 犹太人把货物传递到舷梯。
- The Nazi oppression of the Jews horrifies me. 纳粹对犹太人的迫害使我反感。
- Europeans and Jews do not readily assimilate. 欧洲人和犹太人不易同化。