- Zoo tiger cub attacks man 虎仔袭人
- Sylvester, an eight-week-old Sumatran tiger cub, plays with a stuffed toy at the Biblical Zoo in Jerusalem... 西尔维斯特,8周大的苏门答腊虎幼崽,在耶路撒冷的圣经动物园和毛绒玩具一起耍.
- Above, six-week-old Siberian tiger cub Antares is presented at the Tierpark Friedrichsfelde Zoo in Berlin Aug. 4. 上述6周大的东北虎幼崽安塔里斯提出在动物公园弗里德里希斯费尔德在柏林动物园8月4日。
- Dema the 26-day-old endangered Sumatran Tiger cub cuddles up to 5-month-old female Orangutan, Irma. 只有26天大的迪玛是一只苏门答腊虎宝宝,它和5个月大的雌猩猩厄玛相拥在一起。
- Which family supermarket has buying staightforward face of tiger cub team or staightforward face of small racoon? 哪家超市有买小虎队干脆面或是小浣熊干脆面?
- Many views are held as to whether or not sharks will attack man. 关于鲨鱼是否会攻击人这个问题,有许多观点。
- Earlier this year a pig adopted a tiger cub and raised him along with her piglets because his mother couldn't feed him. 今年的早些时候一头母猪收养了一头老虎幼仔,她把小老虎和小猪仔放在一起喂养,因为老虎妈妈不喂养它。
- Unless driven by hunger, a lion will not willingly attack man. 除非受到饥饿的驱使,狮子是不惯有意向人袭击的。
- Back in May, the Kushiro Zoo in Japan's Hokkaido Prefecture marked a happy milestone: the birth of two tiger cubs. 五月时,在日本北海道管辖的钏路动物园,跨入了快乐的里程碑,两只小老虎诞生了!
- An extremely rare South China tiger cub was born in South Africa's Free State province, it's a male.... 南非自由省出生了一只极为罕见的华南虎,这是一只雄性小虎,它的父母“老虎伍兹”和“国泰”很为他们骄傲。...
- In a zoo in California, a mother tiger gave birth to a rare set of triplet tiger cubs. 在加利福尼亚的一个动物园里,一头雌性老虎生下了罕见的三胞胎虎宝宝。
- She gave birth to three tiger cubs this time. 她这次生育了三只可爱的小虎仔。
- A four-month-old male white Bengal tiger cub chews on his new plush tiger toy at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo, Calif. on Tuesday, Dec. 23. 十二月廿三日周二于加州瓦里豪的六旗探索王国中,四个月大的雄性白孟加拉虎宝宝在咬牠的新厚绒布老虎玩具。乐园的工作人员在每日巡园时送包装好的礼物给一对孟加拉虎宝宝。
- Wolves kill sheep and sometimes even attack men. 狼吃羊,有时候甚至袭击人。
- A farm worker holds a piglet and two of three tiger cubs rejected by their mother at a zoo in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, on Sept. 24. 一个农场工人抱着一个猪仔和两只幼虎,乌克兰第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克动物园出生的三只被母亲遗弃幼虎中的两只。
- There's a newest sensation at an Australian zoo - a pair of two-week old Sumatran tiger cubs, the rare breed weighing in at five and a half pounds. 在澳大利亚动物公园一对2周大的苏门答腊幼虎引起了轰动;这对重2.;5磅的虎是稀有的品种。
- How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair? 不入虎穴焉得虎子?
- A lone wolf Wolves kill sheep and sometimes even attack men. 狼吃羊,有时候甚至袭击人。
- The author used an instantly scanning sample method and focal animal method from June 2004 to June 2006 and they took a systematic research on behavioral pattern and behavioral development of Amur tiger cub in captivity. 作者从2004年4月至2006年4月利用瞬时扫描取样法和目标取样法等,对圈条件下东北虎幼仔的行为模式及行为发育过程进行全面系统的研究,得出以下结论:
- The zoo's Siberian tiger just gave birth to a baby cub. 动物园里的西伯利亚老虎刚刚生了只小老虎。