- Zygnema chungiin. 钟氏双星藻
- This paper reported a new taxon of the Bambusoideae from South Fujian, China. It's Lingnania chungii( McClure) McClure var. velutina Yi et J. Y. Shi. 该文报道了产于中国福建南部的竹亚科一新分类群,即单竹属变种天鹅绒竹。
- Various other forms exist in the algae, e. g. spiral in Spirogyra, stellate in Zygnema, and cup-shaped in Chlamydomonas. 特别是在藻类的叶绿体差异更大,例如在水绵Spirogyra中是螺旋状的,在双星藻属Zygnema中是星状的,在衣藻Chlamydomonas中是杯状的。
- The number per cell varies, e. g. one in Chlorella and Chlamydomonas and in most hornworts (Antherocyta), two in Zygnema, and about one hundred in palisade mesophyll cells of leaves. 叶绿体的数目因物种,细胞种类和生理状况而不同。例如大多数高等植物的叶肉细胞的栅栏组织中有100多个叶绿体,而藻类植物通常只有一个叶绿体。
- White Powdery Bamboo (Lingnania chungii McClure) 粉单竹
- Zygnema subfoveolatum f. mentzensen. 近窝孔双星藻蒙自变型
- Zygnema quadrangulatum f. minutumn. 四角双星藻纤细变型
- Keywords Bambusa Chungii;non-fiber;bio-treatment;bamboo juice; 粉单竹;非纤维成分;生物预处理;竹汁;
- Study on the Mechanism of Bleaching and Yellowing of Bambusa Chungii APMP Pulp 粉单竹APMP制浆漂白机理和返黄机理的研究
- Establishment of RAPD reaction system of Cyclobalanopsis chungii,the dominant species of evergreen broad-leaf forest 常绿阔叶林优势种福建青冈RAPD反应体系的建立
- Keywords Bambusa Chungii;APMP pulp;inhibited yellowing;anti-photoinduction and anti-thermal induction yellowing; 粉单竹;APMP浆;抑制返黄;光诱导返黄;热诱导返黄;
- Keywords Bambusa Chungii;APMP pulp;bleaching;lignin structure;light-induced yellowing; 粉单竹;APMP浆;漂白;木素结构;光返黄;
- A Study on the Quantitative Characteristic of the Composition and Productivity of the Secondary Cyclobalanopsis chungii Stand 次生福建青冈林组成数量特征及林分生产力
- Keywords Lingnania chungii McClure;Chemical pretreatment Explosion Pulp;bleaching;news print paper;corrugating base board;microcosmic analysis; 粉单竹;爆破浆;漂白;新闻纸;瓦楞纸;微观机理;
- Keywords Bambusa chungii;morphological traits;bamboo timber traits;Dendrocalamus latiflorus;hybrid descendants;genetic diversity;ISSR;nutrient content;activities of enzyme; 粉单竹;表型性状;竹材性质;遗传多样性;麻竹;杂交子代;ISSR;营养成分;酶活性;
- zygneman. 双星藻属;n
- Zygnema sinensen. 中华双星藻
- Zygnema biformen. 二形双星藻
- Zygnema yunnanensen. 云南双星藻
- Zygnema carinthiacumn. 克伦地亚双星藻