- A spring morning in 1960,a light rain was falling. 1960年一个春天的早上,天下着小雨。
- A spring morning in 1960, a light rain was falling. 1960年一个春天的早上,天下着小雨。
- The runners got their second wind when there was a light rain. 微雨使跑步的人精力恢复。
- When the sun shines through a light rain, it makes a rainbow. 太阳照过细雨,便要现出彩虹来。
- There was a light rain falling. 外面下著小雨。
- There was a loud crash of thunder and large drops of rain started falling. 当时雷声大作, 大滴大滴的雨点开始落下来。
- The runner gets their second wind when there is a light rain. 微雨使跑步的人精力恢复。
- The weather scientists predicted a light rain and temperature drop. 气象专家们预测有小雨,气温将下降。
- In fact, a light rain made it all the more exhilarating. 事实上,一场小雨会更加增添其中的情趣。
- Bourdin and I sat down on a bench near the train station, as a light rain began to fall. 说话时他用他棕色的大眼睛掠过我,似乎要把我吸进去似的 。一个审讯他的警察把他叫做“人形记录机”。
- A light rain began to fall. 小雨开始飘落。
- It didn't matter if the sun didn't shine while you were hiking in the Lake District--in fact,a light rain made it all the more exhilarating. 当你来到英国的湖泊地区远足时,天空没有阳光并不要紧。事实上,一场小雨会更加增添其中的情趣。
- That night it grew very windy, and the next day a light rain fell, followed by a heavy downpour which continued without let-up into the afternoon. 当夜刮大风,明天小雨接大雨,一脉相延,到下午没停过。
- Flip up the lockable passenger seat and you'll find a spacious storage area for a spa re pair of gloves, a light rain suit, or even your lunch. 掀开可锁的后坐垫,你会发现宽敞的存储区域,可以容纳手套,一个轻便雨衣,甚至你的午餐。
- They hold their unbrella under a light rain and a gust of wind,mounting a curvy hill path to visit a friend who lives in a remote mountain,. 细雨淅沥,秋风瑟瑟。他们撑着雨伞,攀沿一个弯曲的山间小道去拜望一位隐居在深山的朋友。
- She runs up the stairs with a light graceful step. 她以轻快优雅的步子奔上楼去。
- It was a cool, gray day outside, and a light rain was falling.I grew wearier as I scurried around, trying to care for each child: thermometers, juice, diapers. 这是个寒冷,灰暗的日子,窗外还飘着细雨.;我四处忙碌着要照看好每个孩子:测量体温,喂食,换尿布我感到越来越疲惫。
- I had kept my matches dry and soon struck a light. 我没让我的火柴受潮,我一擦就擦着了。
- Jerry left the examination room with a light heart. 杰利轻松愉快地离开了考场。
- She started for her holiday with a light heart. 她很开心地在假期出发旅行。