- What was a major event that changed your organization? 曾有哪些主要事件改变了你的组织?
- A major event was the International Symposium on Intellectual Property and Information Technology 1999. 年内举行的一项盛事,是一九九九年知识产权与资讯科技国际研讨会。
- It is a major event in the history of the Chinese race and has a profound and far-reaching influence on all of us. 这件中华民族发展历史上的伟大事件,对我们每一个人都会产生长远和深刻影响。
- The annual introduction of new-car models from Detroit was a major event for both the dealers and the general public. 每年介绍来底特律的新型样车对承销商和一般公众说来都是一件大事。
- When a health-monitoring event is raised, it is associated with a major event code. 当引发状况监视事件时,它与主要事件代码关联。
- SOMETHING TO TELL YOU is a landmark publication in Kureishi's career and certain to become a major event. 中文概要:1970年代,一位事业有成的心理医生,秘密是他的货币,他用秘密来换取生活所需。
- Huanjiang pterosaur fossils, ancient animals of China scholars, in particular pterosaur Studies is a major event. 环江翼龙化石的发现,是中国古动物学界,特别是翼龙研究学的一件大事。
- Conducting study on the concept of scientific development is a major event in Shanxi TVU political life. 摘要开展深入学习实践科学发展观活动是山西电大今年政治生活中的头等大事。
- Even for giants like BP, the discovery of a new field is a major event, shoring up its reserve base. 即便对BP这样的巨擘而言,发现新油田也是一件大事,可以增强其储量基础。
- The Water Dome is a major event that will be held in Johannesburg in parallel with the World Summit on Sustainable Development from 26 August to 4 September 2002. 水丘是与2002年8月26日至9月4日在约翰内 斯堡与可持续发展问题世界首脑会议同时举行的一个主要活动。
- For example, you can print milestone (milestone: A reference point marking a major event in a project and used to monitor the project's progress. 例如,可以将里程碑(里程碑:一个标志项目中的主要事件,并用于监视项目进度的参考点。
- The skirmish grew into a major battle. 小冲突扩大形成大战斗。
- As milestones (milestone: A reference point marking a major event in a project and used to monitor the project's progress. 之后使用,用来显示已作为里程碑(里程碑:一个标志项目中的主要事件,并用于监视项目进度的参考点。
- Some slight incident may touch off a major war. 某个小事件可能会引发大战争。
- And format all milestone tasks (milestone: A reference point marking a major event in a project and used to monitor the project's progress. 都设置为倾斜,并将所有的里程碑任务(里程碑:一个标志项目中的主要事件,并用于监视项目进度的参考点。
- Local fighting might spark off a major war. 局部战斗有可能引发一场大规模战争。
- And format all milestones (milestone: A reference point marking a major event in a project and used to monitor the project's progress. 都设置为倾斜,并将所有的里程碑(里程碑:一个标志项目中的主要事件,并用于监视项目进度的参考点。
- Narcotics are a major threat to health. 毒品是危害健康的大敌。
- And shall, after being examined or inspected by the dispatched office, be disclosed as a major event in the coming annual report. 经各地派出机构审核或检查后,应在最近一期年度报告中作为重大事项予以披露。
- A major has a crown on the shoulder of his uniform. 一名少校在制服的肩部有个王冠形的纹章。