- Ueberroth, now 70 and the chairman of the United States Olympic Committee, will lead the American team into China with a deep sense of gratitude. 尤伯罗斯,现年70岁,是美国奥委会主席。他会带着深深的感激带领美国队来到中国。
- The School sets out to recognize the personal worth and individuality of students, inculcating in them a deep sense of gratitude for all that has been received from God and others. 学校肯定每个学生都是独特而有价值的。学校会教导学生常怀感恩的心,懂得为得到的,感谢上主和别人。
- A deep sense of despair overwhelmed him. 深深的绝望使他痛苦不堪。
- She felt a deep sense of revulsion at the violence. 她对这一暴行深恶痛绝。
- He is equipped with a deep sense of justice. 他具有深切的正义感。
- a deep sense of gratitude 深深的谢意
- Bound by a deep sense of duty; bound by a common interest in sports. 为强烈的责任感所驱使; 由于对体育运动的共同兴趣而结合
- At this juncture, Guan Yu recalled Cao Cao's kindnesses to him in the past while he was the latter's captive. His deep sense of gratitude led him to violate his own pledge and he let Cao Cao off at the risk of being beheaded himself. 关羽想到自己在曹营受到的恩惠,以义气为重,冒着违犯军令状和被杀头的风险,放走了曹操。
- This politician is equipped with a deep sense of justice. 这位政治家具有深切的正义感。
- This means having a deep sense of responsibility for your thoughts and actions. 这就是说对自己的思想和行为要有高度的责任感。
- Langdon could not help but feel a deep sense of loss at the curator's death. 兰登禁不住的为这位馆长的死感到惋惜。
- At that time, I had a deep sense of the poverty, backwardness and feebleness of old China. 对旧中国的贫困落后和国势衰败有着深刻感受。
- The reporter could do nothing even as he felt a deep sense of loss and grief as he realised there was nothing he could do to salvage the works of art. 记者眼睁睁看着艺术瑰宝被毁,无限惋惜与痛心。
- Elizabeth knew what was coming, and she was simultaneously filled with a deep sense of relief and a feeling of guilt. 伊丽莎白知道了以后的情况,感到一种深深的宽慰,同时也有一种负罪感。
- From conception, birth childhood, adolescence, and beyond we have continued to form a deep sense of self. 从观念、出生儿童时期、青春期而来和超过我们继续形成一个自我深深的感觉。
- Ever so often, I would get questions reflecting a deep sense of curiosity which took me by surprise. 我时常面对突如其来,反映了强烈求知欲的问题。
- Not knowing why, I have always holding a deep sense of loneness in my heart when I was a little girl. 也许从小酷爱看书的缘故,从小我就是一个梦想家。
- My son's sneakers were developing holes and I was developing a deep sense of futility. 儿子的胶鞋穿出洞来.而我越来越深深地感觉到自己的无能。
- But what is more worrying is that,in many of these cases,the people involved show a deep sense of hopelessness and helplessness. 其间最令人担忧的不是表象问题,而是许多个案在面对突如其来的打击时,所呈现的无力感及沮丧心态。
- I owe you a debt of gratitude for what you've done. 对你所做的事,我欠你一份人情债。