- A preparatory course;preparatory students. 预备课程;预科学生
- Her son is studying in a preparatory school. 她儿子正在一所大学预备学校学习。
- A preparatory action or measure. 准备预防性行动或措施
- a preparatory course; preparatory students. 预备课程;预科学生
- To be enrolled in and attend a preparatory school. 进入预备学校被录取并参加预备学校
- a preparatory student 预科生
- To study or complete a course of study at a preparatory school. 在预科学校学习学习或完成预科学校的课程
- We will hold a preparatory meeting this afternoon prior to the final negotiation with our customer next week. 在下周与我们的客户最后谈判前,我们将举行一个预备会议,时间是今天下午。
- A preparatory school is a private junior school, where parents pay for their childre's education. 预科学校是私立高级学校,学生家长要交付教育费。
- A preparatory committee is expected to produce a report on the substance and modilities of the new round in July 1986. 筹备委员会可望在1986年7月提出一项关于谈判的内容和形式的报告。
- A preparatory school is a private junior school, where parents pay for their children's education. 预科学校是私立高级学校,学生家长要交付教育费。
- A preparatory committee is expected to produce a report on the substance and modalities of the new round negotiation in July 1986. 筹备委员会可望在1986年7月提出一项关于新一轮谈判的内容和形式的报告。
- It is also aimed to serve as a preparatory course for students planning to travel to India on the MIT India program. 课程也是计划赴印度参与麻省理工学院印度项目的预备课程。
- Gaoyang to stay in the Brillouin Process village school is my first work-study program in France, a preparatory school. 高阳境内的布里村留法工艺学校是我国最早的留法勤工俭学预备学校。
- There was a preparatory assemblage in Kiev.There were chess and moral trainings there. 在基辅有个准备性质的集训,有一些象棋和精神方面的训练。
- He is, so to speak, a hardworking student. 他可说是个用功的学生。
- Some teachers do not have the benefit of a preparatory course and must learn while teaching in schools, a condition referred to as on-the-job training. 一些教师并没有从准备课程中获利并且必须在学校教学中学习,也就是一种在工作中培训。
- The student murmured the answer with a blush. 那个学生红着脸小声说出了答案。
- The meeting of a preparatory committee will be convened for January 2007 to prepare the necessary modalities of the Diplomatic Conference. 将于2007年1月举行一次筹备委员会会议,以就外交会议采取的必要形式进行讨论。
- In February 2003, I delivered a keynote address to a preparatory conference for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). 在2003年2月,我在信息社会世界峰会(WSIS)的筹备会上做了一次主题演讲。