- A nuclear sub can build and carry a whole array of nukes. 一个核潜艇可以建造核携带大量的核弹头。
- A whole array of support vehicles will be available to all factions. 所有的阵营都有大批的补给车辆可用。
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including aspirin, inhibit tumors in a whole array of cancers. 非类固醇类消炎药物,包括阿司匹林,对许多种肿瘤的生长有抑制作用。
- A portfolio can encompass a whole array of different investment vehicles, ranging from cash to commodities and including bonds, equities and alternative investments. 投资组合可以包括很多不同的投资载体,从现金到商品,还包括债券、票和其它非传统型投资。
- It is imperative to bring up talented people and create a well-structured contingent of high-caliber people in a whole array of disciplines needed for the development of defense-related science, technology and industry. 加强人才培养,造就一支适应国防科技工业发展需要的专业配套、结构合理、素质精良的人才队伍。
- It is imperative to bring up talented people and create a well-structured contingent of high-caliber people in a whole array of disciplines needed for the development of defense-related science,technology and industry. 必须加强人才培养,造就一支适应国防科技工业发展需要的专业配套、结构合理、素质精良的人才队伍。
- Of course you can use whole array of compound of progestogens. 如果她有雄激素的效应,譬如说她有痤疮,那么就会选择抗雄激素活性的孕激素。
- a whole array of tools 一批工具
- The use of a whole integer array arr. 使用了一个全局整型数组arr。
- a whole array of 一批
- He's eaten a whole plate of french fries. 他把一盘油炸土豆条全吃完了。
- Assisted by the whole array of market prices, entrepreneurs seek to identify the types of products and services that individuals will value. 企业家们以各种市场价格为辅助,设法弄清人们会看重的各类产品和服务。
- A very funny joke may relieve you of a whole day's fatigue. 一则非常滑稽的笑话可以使你消除一天的疲劳。
- A whole crowd of us arrive at the party uninvited. 我们这一大批不速之客来到了聚会场所。
- A whole crowd of us arrived at the party uninvited. 我们这一大批不速之客来到了聚会场所。
- The government is beset with a complex array of economic problems. 政府为一系列复杂的经济问题所困扰。
- A whole tankful of gas dropped away because of the tiny leak. 由于这个小小的漏洞,整整一油箱的汽油都漏光了。
- He has eaten a whole box of chocolates. 他吃了一整盒巧克力。
- By extension, an array of any number of dimensions. 广义来说,矩阵可以是任意维数的数组。
- A whole raft of people came for drinks. 许多人来喝酒。