- A set of bells tuned to each other; a chime. 钟彼此造成谐音的一组钟;钟
- A set of bells tuned to each other;a chime. 钟彼此造成谐音的一组钟;钟
- (of a chime of bells)mark(the time)by striking (指钟的报时装置)敲出(钟点)
- Free, free!"she sang, and her voice tinkled as a chime of fairy bells. 他们探出小脑袋来,看见了这个可怜的小姑娘。
- a chime of bells 一套编钟.
- A flawless chime of romance and reality. 浪漫与现实之间完美的一致
- Free, free!"she sang,her voice tinkled as a chime of fairy bells."Free, free! 自由啦,自由啦,拇指姑娘唱起歌来,歌声像仙女的铃铛叮当响。
- There was a happy chime of belief and practice in everything she said. 她所说的每一件事都体现了信仰和行动的完美和谐。
- Free, free!"she sang, and her voice tinkled as a chime of fairy bells."Free, free! 自由啦,自由啦,拇指姑娘唱起歌来,歌声像仙女的铃铛叮当响。
- Free, free!"she sang, and her voice tinkled as a chime of fairy bells. "Free, free! 自由啦,自由啦,拇指姑娘唱起歌来,歌声像仙女的铃铛叮当响。
- In a room hanging a lot of bells. 房间挂满铃铛。
- The rhythmic chiming of church bells. 节奏和谐的教堂钟声。
- My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies. 我的心想与钟声齐轻叹,
- The art or study of bell casting and ringing. 铸钟学铸钟和敲钟的艺术与学问
- The chime of the clock woke him up. 钟声吵醒了他。
- The ringing or sounding of bells. 钟声钟的鸣响或声响
- Lots of bell ringers were killed by lightning. 许多敲钟人被闪电击毙。
- The chimes of the huge bell rang in the New Year. 大钟的钟声迎来了新的一年。
- The chiming of the bells died out but seemed to linger in the air. 钟声虽绝,但绕梁三日。