- I really enjoyed the tranquility in the snow time, walking in a cobbled street. 我十分喜欢于雪中漫步于这静谧的大街上,更有这鹅卵石铺成的路面。
- And that's where a smiling man aged in his twenties came up to me as I was struggling to push my fully-laden bicycle along a cobbled street. 当我在鹅卵石街道上努力推我那满载的自行车时,有一个二十几岁的男人微笑着朝我走来。
- The cart rattled over the cobbled street. 手推车吱嘎吱嘎地走在圆石路上。
- The place is a cobbled triangle. 这个地方是一块铺石子的三角地。
- a cobbled street 鹅卵石铺的街
- We turn down an old cobbled street that looks like it might once have been the city's main road. 我们走向一条铺着鹅卵石的古老街道,此路看起来曾经一直都是这座城市的主要道路。
- Every year, the narrow cobbled street of San Gregorio Armeno in the heart of Naples comes alive as artisans peddle their often witty, hand-crafted nativity scenes. 每年(这个时候)那不勒斯市中心的这条名叫圣格雷戈里奥·尔梅诺的鹅卵石窄街都会充满生机。巧手匠们沿街叫卖手工制作的新颖有趣的耶稣诞生实景。
- Thereupon, we rose to our feet simultaneously and walked along a cobbled footpath beside the lawn towards the miniature Beihai. 说到这里,我们两人都不约而同地站了起来。沿着草坪旁用卵石铺成的小径,走到“北海”跟前。
- Through an archway, we saw a cobbled courtyard, stately trees, and hordes of Chinese tourists. 通过一个拱门,我们看见了铺满鹅卵石的庭院,雄伟的参天大树,和成群的游客。
- A picture suddenly appeared in his mind: A rifle bullet ricocheting off the cobbled street hits a servant standing beside a stone vat. The servant clutches his wound, utters a piercing cry, falls writhing to the ground and dies in a pool of blood. 他的眼前马上现出了一幅图画:一颗枪弹落在街心,在石板上碰了一下,飞起来,钻进了那个站在石缸旁边的仆人的身体,他用手按着伤口,尖锐地叫了一声,便倒在地上,身子搐动了一下,就死了,地上剩了一滩血。
- The Victorian architecture and cobbled streets of this port town are truly picturesque. 这座港口城市的维多利亚式建筑和用圆石铺成的街道真是美丽如画。
- On Untere Zaune, a winding cobbled street in Zurich's historic old town, household trash is collected just once a week - with the precision of a military strike, from 7 to 9 a.m. on Fridays. 在苏黎世历史悠久的老城区里一条弯弯曲曲的石板路UntereZaune上,家庭垃圾一周只收一次,在星期五早上7点到9点,其精准度可以比美军事演习。
- Cobbled streets weave past baroque palaces, lively beer halls, glowering castles, and light-infused cathedrals. 鹅卵石街道绕过巴洛克宫殿,活跃的啤酒城,怒目而视的城堡,以及灯火通明的大教堂。
- A loud noise from the street diverted my attention. 街上一阵喧闹声转移了我的注意力。
- He ran the following morning along the slippery cobbled streets and survived unscathed. 次日清晨,他沿着滑溜溜的圆石街道奔跑,所幸没有受伤。
- A babel of voices could be heard from the street. 可以听见街上一阵噪囔的声音。
- The narrow, cobbled streets climb to the very animated Massillon plaza, watched over by Templars' tower. 狭窄的铺砌路面向上通往喧闹的马西荣广场。广场上耸立着圣殿骑士塔。
- Taking a blind man across the street is a kind act. 扶盲人过马路是一种善良的行为。
- London in 1888 is a city of dark, cobbled streets; urine-tainted air and now the smell of death. 1888年的伦敦是个黑暗、街道布满鹅卵石的城市;原本空气中弥漫著尿骚味,而现在则弥漫著死亡的味道。
- We passed Port Roosevelt, where there was a glimpse of red-belted ocean-going ships, and sped along a cobbled slum lined with the dark, undeserted saloons of the faded-gilt nineteen-hundreds. 我们经过罗斯福港,瞥见船身有一圈红漆的远洋轮船,又沿着一条贫民区的石子路疾驰而过,路两旁排列着二十世纪初褪色的镀金时代的那些还有人光顾的阴暗酒吧。