- Machine guns opened up from a concealed position. 机关枪从隐蔽的阵地开始射击。
- A sudden attack made from a concealed position. 伏击从隐蔽地点进行的突然袭击
- A machine gun opened up from a concealed position . 机枪从隐蔽阵地开火。
- A machine gun opened up from a concealed position. 机枪从隐蔽阵地开火。
- There's a concealed entrance just round the corner. 拐角处有个隐蔽入口.
- To attack from a concealed position. 伏击从隐蔽地点伏击
- Do not install in a concealed location. 不要安装在隐蔽的地方。
- a concealed enemy 隐藏的敌人
- It is against the law to carry a concealed deadly weapon. 秘密携带致命武器是违法的。
- A concealed hole in the ground used as a trap; a pitfall. 陷阱地上用做陷阱的隐藏的洞; 陷阱
- An explosive device used to destroy enemy personnel, shipping, fortifications, or equipment, often placed in a concealed position and designed to be detonated by contact, proximity, or a time fuse. 地雷,水雷一种用来摧毁敌军部队、船舰、碉堡或装备的爆破装置,通常安放在隐蔽处,由于接触、靠近或定时而引爆
- Sniper: A skilled military shooter detailed to spot and pick off enemy soldiers from a concealed place. 狙击手:从隐藏的地方找好目标,并射杀敌军的技术高明的射手。
- In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy. 在一阵痛恨的狂乱中,他杀死了敌人。
- You can use a concealer to cover up the blemshies. 你可以用遮瑕膏来遮盖那些黑斑。
- My uncle Philip had very skillfully made a concealed trap-door. 我叔叔菲利普用他高超的技术做了一扇隐蔽的地板门。
- It is agai t the law to carry a concealed deadly weapon. 秘密携带致命武器是违法的。
- John vamped up a few rumors to discredit his enemy. 约翰编造一些谣言去中伤他的敌人。
- The army won a miraculous victory over a much stronger enemy. 这支军队击败了比他们强大得多的敌军,赢得了奇迹般的胜利。
- An explosive device used to destroy enemy personnel,shipping,fortifications,or equipment,often placed in a concealed position and designed to be detonated by contact,proximity,or a time fuse. 地雷,水雷一种用来摧毁敌军部队、船舰、碉堡或装备的爆破装置,通常安放在隐蔽处,由于接触、靠近或定时而引爆。
- To attack suddenly and without warning from a concealed place;ambush. 埋伏未加警告便从隐蔽处突然袭击;伏击