- It's a deceptively simple question. 这是一个貌似简单的问题。
- a deceptively simple idea 貌似简单的想法
- Moon-lit night by a spring river. A deceptively simple dance, pure beauty. 分类:影视娱乐创建于:2007-01-07被查看:2670次来源:未名交友[回复
- Little Angels received a latest task: to reach the Rainbow Bridge, a deceptively simple way not easy oh. 小天使收到一个最新的任务:到达彩虹桥,看似简单的路可不简单哦。
- Incredibly, no one had ever thought of such a simple idea before. 真是难以相信,这样简单的主意竟没有人想到过。
- The title appears deceptively simple. 这个标题似乎很简单。
- The questions are clear, and deceptively simple. “土地召唤他回来。”
- A deceptively attractive external appearance; an outward show. 虚饰,外表骗人的吸引人的外表;外在的表现
- And like all good ideas, it was deceptively simple. 像所有的好点子一样,它简单到就像是虚假的一样。
- ” is a deceptively simple yet difficult question to answer, as only the individual knows exactly how he feels. ,是一个极端容易、又无比困难回答的问题,因为,自我的状态,从来都是如人饮水、冷暖自知。
- He conceived of the beautifully simple idea. 他想出了一个巧妙的简单方法。
- This deceptively simple answer was the inspiration behind Dr. 比较放之四海而皆准的一个道理是:越贵的越好。
- Incredibly,no one has ever thought of such a simple idea before. 真是难以相信,这样简单的主意竟没有人想到过。
- Very simple idea lies within the reach only of complex mind. 极其浅显的道理存在于复杂的智力始能及之处。
- It's a deception, as far as I can discover. 就我所知,这是一个骗局。
- Very simple idea lie within the reach only of complex mind. 极其浅显的道理存在于复杂的智力始能及之处。
- A simple idea has now bloomed into an international movement. 一个简单的想法现在已经发展成了国际性的运动。
- To carry on a deception;dissemble. 进行欺骗;佯装
- Then I consented to a deception. 只有在这种时候,我才同意采取欺骗的手段。
- The idea was of its time, arriving at the end of the dotcom boom.And like all good ideas, it was deceptively simple. 必发的构想诞生于网络泡沫结束之际,和其他创意一样,它似乎简单得令人难以置信。