- It's a desk lamp. 这是台灯。
- Mr Zhang opens midday time in the center take out among them a desk lamp, the result just knew electrify cause, smell plastic scorched flavour. 当中午时分张先生打开拿出其中一个台灯,结果刚通上电源,就闻到一股的塑料烧焦的味道。
- Perhaps he gently caressed the hard copy of the internal audit, its creamy white pages glistening under the gentle light of a desk lamp. 也许他轻轻抚摸了这份内部审查报告书,在台灯的柔和光线下,它那乳白色的书页闪闪发光。
- The circular telegram latter seven kind of colors mutually take turn, brilliant, builds a warm family, but also it is a desk lamp, the light is good, protects the eye! 通电后七种颜色相互交替,光彩夺目,营造一个温馨的家,还可以当台灯用,光线好,保护眼睛!
- This desk lamp needs a new bulb. 这盏台灯该换新灯泡了。
- The desk lamp fell to the floor with a crash. 台灯哗啦一声掉到地上。
- The large box in his room can serve as a desk too. 他房间里的那只大箱子也可以当桌子用。
- South: A desk lamp or something red 南:有红色或桌灯
- He, as an old hand, had a desk to himself. 作为一个老资格的学生,他单独有一张书桌。
- There is a desk in the boy's room. 小男孩的房间里有张写字台。
- A desk stood against the window. 靠窗放着一张桌子。
- A desk with a top section for books. 有抽屉或分类格的写字台
- The desk lamp was turned over by someone. 台灯被人打翻了。
- My desk lamp burned out last night. 我的台灯昨晚烧坏了。
- The office is minute, with barely room for a desk and two chairs. 那间办公室极小,空间勉强够摆一张写字台和两把椅子。
- Quilt:Do you know what the box is,desk lamp? 被子:你知道那个盒子是什么吗,台灯?
- The cover of this desk lamp is delicately made. 这个台灯的灯伞做工考究。
- Behind the Major was a desk as big as a battleship. 少校身后是一张大得象战舰那样的办公桌。
- He always litters a desk with papers. 他总是将桌上零乱地堆满了文件。
- A desk is much cheaper than a bed. 桌子比床便宜多了。