- The pleural effusion as exudates was predisposed to be loculated.Conclusion: It should be pain attention to the possibility of viral pleuritis if a febrile patient ... 结果:病毒性胸膜炎多发生于青壮年男性,单侧常见,起病前多有上呼吸道感染症状,患侧胸痛剧烈,胸水为渗出液,极易发生包裹。
- Toxic doses can produce a febrile effect. 中毒剂量可产生发热作用。
- a febrile patient 发烧的病人.
- Methods To examine plasmodium in the blood of the febrile patient,cure cases and supervise floating population. 方法开展发热病人血检,抓好现症病人根治和流动人口管理。
- It's that inflammed right ear, you know. It's a febrile episode. 就是这个发炎的右耳朵引起的,你知道,这是并发症。
- It's that inflamed right ear, you know. It's a febrile episode. 就是这个发炎的右耳朵引起的,你知道,这是并发症。
- This antipyretic action is usually rapid and effective in febrile patients. 对发热病人,这种退热作用通常迅速有效。
- A rapid rise or fall in temperature may cause a febrile seizure in a small percentage of children younger than age5. 在小于5岁的小孩中,很小一部分会因为体温迅速波动而引发痉挛。
- Others are unable to relate certain parts of the history, such as events related to a febrile illness or a seizure. 另一些患者无法讲述病史中的某些部分,如发热性疾病或癫痫发作相关的事件等。
- Others are unable to relate certain parts of the history, such as eents related to a febrile illness or a seizure. 另一些患者无法讲述病史中的某些部分,如发热性疾病或癫痫发作相关的事件等。
- The doctor dispensed a prescription to his patient. 医生开处方给病人配药。
- Others are unable to relate certain parts of the history,such as eents related to a febrile illness or a seizure. 另外一部分病人无法提供与病史相关的特定事件,例如发热性疾病或癫痫发作相关的事件。
- Others are unable to relate certain parts of the history,such as events related to a febrile illness or a seizure. 另一些患者则无法讲述病史的特定环节,比如与发热性疾病或疾病发作相关的事件。
- The patient was in a pitiful condition. 那个病人处于一种非常可怜的状况。
- However, the status of cellular thiols and apoptosis of neutrophils in febrile patients admitted to the emergency department (ED) has not been reported to date. 然而,这种相关性在于急诊发烧病患的情况,至今未曾被报告过。
- If the fever doesn' t moderate or your child has a febrile seizure that lasts longer than five minutes, seek immediate medical care. 如果发烧还不和缓下来或者小孩发烧痉挛超过5分钟,立刻寻求医治。
- A kind man is not always patient. 心肠好的人未必总是有耐心。
- Schreiber, with a backwoods face and beefcake body, radiates a febrile, simmering fury in a performance of taut intensity. 史瑞博先生,拥有一张稚气未脱的脸庞和健美的身体,在表演中散发出一种迷狂的暴烈的气质。
- The swindler really sawed through a patient's bone. 这个骗子还真的锯断了一个病人的骨头。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。