- Cough medicine has a foul taste. 咳嗽药有一种很难吃的味道。
- My breath smells bad and I have a foul taste in my mouth. 我嘴里有股怪味。
- His breath smells bad and he has a foul taste in his mouth. 他口里有怪味。
- The ship ran a foul of the floating seaweed. 船和漂流的海藻纠缠在一起。
- A fair face may hide a foul heart. [谚]和善的面孔,丑陋的心; 人面兽心。
- A foul, degraded condition or place. 污秽,可鄙的境地或场所
- A foul morn may turn to a fair day. 坏天是可能变好天的。(谚)
- But the forward made a foul in the penalty area. 但前锋在禁区内犯规了。
- A foul enchantress turned me into a frog. 一个可恶的女巫把我变成了一只青蛙。
- Wealth's glitter never washed a foul life clean. 财富的光辉永远洗不净肮脏的生涯。
- What are the penalties for committing a foul? 对犯夫怎样处罚?
- What if he commits a foul of false start? 如果是抢航犯规呢?
- Point not at others spot with a foul finger. 自己手指脏,休指他人错。
- I drank a whole galss of water to take away the foul taste of the medicine. 我喝了一大杯水,想冲掉嘴里不好的药味。
- The referee is whistling for a foul. 裁判吹响了犯规哨。
- They set off with a foul weather. 他们在一个恶劣的天气启程了。
- The brown pimples are actually glands which produce a mild poison that makes them foul tasting to predators. 身上的褐色小泡其实是分泌轻微毒素的汗腺,令身体产生异味,赶走捕食者。
- If they do,the throw will be declared a foul. 如果触及了,就会被判犯规无效。
- It's a foul night tonight; it's pouring with rain. 今夜大雨倾盆,天气坏极了。
- When you need to liven things up the bartender will fill this glass with a shot of some powerful (and often foul tasting) fire water, such as tequila. 当你想要提提神的时候,酒吧招待会往这种杯子里倒一些很烈性的(通常是味道比较怪异的)酒,就像龙舌兰。