- They all burst out laughing, sounding like a gaggle of geese. 她们全都放声大笑,像一群鹅一样嘎嘎地叫着。
- a gaggle of women 一群多嘴的女人
- A gaggle of schoolgirls followed the tennis star to his car. 一群叽哩呱啦的女学生跟著网球明星到他的车子。
- While reportedly followed around by a gaggle of girls, Thorpe is believed to be still in a long-distance relationship with a mystery woman. 据报道,虽然有不少女孩围绕在他身边,但据了解,索普正和一位神秘女性谈“长距离”恋爱。
- In another hospital, I found a gaggle of rural patients crouching on the forecourt. 在另一家医院,我一群吵闹的农村病人蹲在医院的大厅。
- The 40th anniversary of the New Asia College drew a gaggle of scholars together. 新亚书院四十周年院庆,鸿儒硕彦群聚一堂。
- I'm a strong supporter of women's rights. 我是一个妇女权益的坚强支持者。
- By the Nizamuddin rail tracks, a gaggle of children warm themselves on a chilly night by burning scraps of wood. 在尼桑木丁路轨的这边,一群喧闹的孩童在寒冷的夜晚正靠燃烧废木料取暖。
- A gaggle of screaming children waited just outside the gym, some seeking autographs. 等在体育场外,有些想要寻求球星签名。
- The two fashion companies are among a gaggle of Spanish conquistadors rapidly building global business empires. 除了这两家以外,西班牙还有许多公司正在快速的打造自己的全球商业帝国。
- By the mid 1980s, a gaggle of independent software companies thrived, each with its own proprietary technologies. 到上世纪80年代中期,独立软件公司开始蓬勃发展,每一家都有自己的专有技术。
- And the old lady hires a gaggle of boys to drive her around and help her buy furniture. 而老妪雇了一群男孩带她买家具。
- Earlier this month a gaggle of Chinese academics arrived in Zimbabwe for a symposium in which the model was lionised. 本月早些时候,一组气态轩昂的中国学者抵达津巴布韦,参加对这模式顶礼膜拜的讨论会。
- That's a very pretty question. To answer it, you'd have to have a gaggle of international lawyers on the job, and they'd probably disagree. 这是个很微妙的问题。要作出回答,你得有一大群国际律师来对付它,而他们可能会有分岐。
- A teacher is expected to deal with children that have defeated their parents, their doctor,a psychiatrist or two and a gaggle of social workers. 人们期待着老师去教育好那些令父母,医生,一两个精神病专家或是一大批社会工作者大失所望的孩子。
- She is a strenuous supporter of women's rights. 她是妇女权利的积极支持者。
- A teacher is expected to deal with children that have defeated their parents, their doctor, a psychiatrist or two and a gaggle of social workers. 人们期待着老师去教育好那些令父母、医生,一两个精神病专家或是一大批社会工作者大失所望的孩子。
- ON A fine afternoon at the Texas State Fair, a ringmaster encouraged a gaggle of children to flap their arms like butterfly wings. 在一个晴朗的下午,德州博览会上的一个表演者让一群孩子像蝴蝶一样挥动双臂。
- A trio of researchers compared donors with a gaggle of crop-growers, spraying water hither and thither, leaving some plants parched, others deluged. 三名研究人员将捐助国比作一群作物栽培者,洒水时这边洒一点、边洒一点,一些植物因没浇到而干燥不堪,而其它的则因过量而积水成涝。
- She is a very domestic sort of woman. 她是个十足的家庭妇女。