- a genuine vintage wine 真正的佳酿品牌葡萄酒
- He has a genuine desire to help us. 他真心诚意地愿意帮助我们。
- This jade dragon is a genuine antique. 这件玉龙是真正的古玩。
- For years the picture passed as a genuine Rembrandt. 几年来此画被看做是林布兰的真迹。
- Delicious food and vintage wine. 佳肴美酒
- A genuine friend will not desert you in time of adversity. 真正的朋友不会在患难时弃你而去。
- Even the experts took it for a genuine antique. 连专家都以为它是真古董了。
- Even the expert took it for a genuine antique. 连专家都以为这是一件货真价实的古董。
- Even the expert took it for a genuine antique . 连专家都以为这是一件货真价实的古董。
- Romantic claret, in but abroad is regarded as to reduce weight vintage wine! 浪漫的红葡萄酒,在国外可是被视为减肥佳酿呢!
- I viewed it as a genuine tragedy. 我却认为它是一场真正的悲剧。
- This palace was a genuine seignorial residence. 那确是一座华贵的府第。
- This carved chest is a genuine antique. 这只雕花盒子是件古玩真品。
- He speaks like a genuine gangster. 他讲起话来一副十足的流氓腔调。
- As far as[7] gifts, Capricorn was made for real estate, vintage wine and gourmet food. 就礼物来说,他们喜欢房地产,葡萄酒和美食佳肴。
- I liked him as a genuine, colorful character. 我喜欢他率真、活泼的性格。
- He made a genuine attempt to improve conditions. 他真心实意地努力改善环境。
- For example, a wine connoisseur may be able to tell exactly where and when a certain vintage wine was made just by the smell and taste. 比如说,一位美酒鉴赏家只需要闻一下或者轻舔一下某种葡萄酒,就可以明确的分辨出酒的年代和产地。
- Is the painting a genuine Picasso? 这幅画是毕加索的真迹吗?
- Beyond gainsay it is a genuine Rembrandt. 无可否认地,那是真的伦布兰特(的画)。