- His words resurrected a gleam of hope of mine. 他的话使我又产生了一线希望。
- I will not give up even if there is only a gleam of hope. 哪怕只有一线希望我也不会放弃。
- I will not give up even if there were only a gleam of hope. 哪怕只有一线希望我也不会放弃。
- We will try our best to save his life if his ill has a gleam of hope. 只要他的病还有一线希望;我们都会竭尽全力挽救他的生命.
- As long as there is a gleam of hope, we'll do efforts a hundredfold. 只要有一线希望,我们就要尽百倍努力!
- Thenardier saw something resembling a gleam of hope flash before his eyes,--these men conversed in slang. 德纳第仿佛看见他眼前有了一线希望,这些人说的是黑话。
- A gleam of inspiration help him compose his music. 灵感的闪现有助于他写作乐曲。
- It epitomizes the broad and profound love of a father and it is the very spark to extend the life and a gleam of hope in desperation. 它体现了博大的父爱,它是延续生命的火种,是在绝望中的一线希望!
- Connect government of Ceng Jiwang United States high at that time to veto these prohibitions, nevertheless a gleam of hope already proclaimed this finally undone. 那时高通曾寄望美国政府否决这些禁令,不外这最后一线但愿已宣告幻灭。
- A gleam of interest came into his eyes. 他的眼里流露出一丝关切的目光。
- A gleam of interest came into her eye. 她的眼睛里显露出一丝感兴趣的神情。
- A gleam of light shone through the window. 一丝微光从窗口透入。
- Behind the taste of fear,is a gleam of death. 图图好漂亮啊!!!哪里有不务正业啊!画画就是正业啦。。图收走了
- She looked at him with a gleam of defiance. 她朝他投过去蔑视的一眼。
- a gleam of hope in an apparently hopeless situation 在看来绝望时闪现的一线希望
- a slim chance of survival; a gleam of hope 一线生机
- A gleam of interest in the matter came into her eye. 她的眼睛里显露出一丝对此事感到兴趣的神情。
- I will not give up even if there be only a gleam of hope 哪怕只有一线希望我也不会放弃
- I think I see a gleam of still quicker wit in your eye. 我好象看见你眼睛里有一种更加敏捷的智慧。
- She mocked and laughed at him and gave not the slightest gleam of hope. 她嘲笑他,挖苦他,连一丝希望之光都不给他。