- “At a hundred human paces from here there sits a little snail in her house, on a gooseberry bush; “离这儿100步路远的地方,有一个有房子的小蜗牛住在醋栗丛上。
- Don't rely on Smith; he's as green as a gooseberry. 不能依靠史密斯,他少不更事。
- He was as green as a gooseberry. 他年少无知。
- Don't rely on Smith, he's as green as a gooseberry. 不能依靠史密斯,他少不更事。
- a gooseberry bush 醋栗灌木
- They are found in enormous numbers on gooseberry bushes, grass, and low herbage in the summer and autumn. 恙螨:夏秋季可在灌木丛、草丛和低矮的草本植物中发现恙螨。
- There is a rose bush in front of the office. 办公室前有一丛玫瑰。
- Earlier, bush telegraph worked a treat. 人类早期传递信息的方法真棒,是件令人开心的事。
- There is a bush of bramble in front of the cabin. 小木屋前有一丛黑莓。
- After losing them, he ran on four legs and went faster, so that I think he might have got away altogether if he had not unfortunately run into a gooseberry net, and got caught by the large buttons on his jacket. 丢了鞋子以后,他用四只脚跑,快了一些,所以我以为他没准儿能够逃脱,然而他不幸进了醋栗网,外套上的一颗大钮扣给绊住了。
- Being unable to remove the chain,I jumped over,and,running up the flagged causeway bordered with straggling gooseberry bushes,knocked vainly for admittance,till my knuckles tingled and the dogs howled. 我弄不开门链,就跳进去,顺着两边种着蔓延的醋栗树丛的石路跑去。我白白地敲了半天门,一直敲到我的手指骨都痛了,狗也狂吠起来。
- The soldier saw a gun jutting out from a bush. 那士兵看见一支枪从矮树丛伸出来。
- Being unable to remove the chain, I jumped over, and, running up the flagged causeway bordered with straggling gooseberry bushes, knocked vainly for admittance, till my knuckles tingled and the dogs howled. 我弄不开门链,就跳进去,顺着两边种着蔓延的醋栗树丛的石路跑去。 我白白地敲了半天门,一直敲到我的手指骨都痛了,狗也狂吠起来。
- It slopes downwards, is planted with gooseberry bushes, choked with a wild growth of vegetation, and terminated by a monumental terrace of cut stone, with balustrade with a double curve. 花园比房子低,种了些覆盆子,生满了野草,尽头处有一座高大的方石平台,栏杆的石柱全作葫芦形。
- The child's rubber ball punctured when it fell on a prickly bush. 那小孩的皮球落在带刺的树丛上时被戳破了。
- A rabbit snot out and disappeared into the other side of the bush. 一只兔子突然窜了出来,又消失在灌木丛的另一头。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- leap at something like a cock at a gooseberry 贪馋地扑过去
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。