- The farm is a highly profitable business. 该农场是一个赢利颇丰的企业。
- So selling Alcon, a highly profitable business, will not make much of a dent. 所以出售爱尔康,一笔高利润的买卖,不会导致负面的重大影响。
- This is highly profitable business. 这是一本万利的生意。
- a highly profitable business 一家赢利很高的企业
- Digital sales yield a higher profit margin too. 数码化的销售也能带来很高的利润回报。
- The board envisages that there will be a high profit. 董事会预期将会获得高额利润。
- Yet slimmed down to two highly profitable businesses, could Danone itself become a takeover target? 然而消减掉2个高利润的经营项目,达能会成为一个被接管的目标么?
- Firstly, development and application of high and new technologies have brought companies with possibilities of attaining a high profit rate. 第一, 高新技术的开发和运用,给企业带来了获取高利润率的可能。
- If the present partnership can obtain a high profit every year, the present partners my ask some other dividends to the new partners. 如果现存合伙企业每年都能获得很高的利润,现有合伙人可能要求新合伙人提供额外津贴。
- To keep a high profit margin and a biggest market, at the same time as constantly enlarge the Direct Marketing and agency team, customers always face the following problems: I. 为了保持较高的利润率和市场的最大化,在不断扩大直销商队伍及分销商的同时,企业客户常面临着以下一系列人员管理及业务操作的问题
- Non-segregation premixed steel powder is a high grade powder with high profit,which is prepared by adding a small amount of binder in the raw iron or steel powder. 无偏析预混合钢粉是在钢铁粉末体系中加入少量粘结剂所制得的一种特种粉末,其目的是减少粉末运送和压制过程中产生扬尘和偏析,提高产品组织、性能和尺寸的一致性。
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 这座中世纪的城市周围建有城墙和护城河。
- This is a highly efficient new heating system. 这是个高效的新取暖系统。
- I set a high value on his advice. 我认为他的忠告很有价值。
- Matches which were scarce and a highly profitable source of income were easy to transport because of their lightness and a cartload of matches sent from one town to another fetched a fancy price. 边区里人人都得学习,民夫队里也一样。例如,前面走的骡夫背上挂一个汉字牌,后面的人就学这个字,每天换一个字。农民就是这样一边劳动一边认字的。
- He has a highly volatile personality. 他有着反复无常的个性。
- It's easy to report a higher profit by reducing research and postponing maintenance.But the system suffers. 藉少做研究与延缓维修,可轻易地显示出较高的利润,但受难的是系统。
- A high wall fetched in an ancient small town. 一道高高的城墙围绕着一座小小的古城。
- He had a high fever which nearly finished him off. 他发了一次高烧,差点把命送了。
- That Sabbath day was a high day. 那个安息日是一个宗教节日。