- I've got a hundred and one things to do today. 今天我有好多事要做。
- He has a hundred and one things to do these days. 这些日子他有许许多多的事要做。
- I have a hundred and one thing to do today. 今天我有好多事要做。
- I have a hundred and one things to do. 我有一大堆事情要做。
- He made a hundred and one excuses. 他找了许多借口。
- I have told you a hundred and one times. 我跟你说过多少次了.
- We have a hundred and one things to think of before we can decide. 在我们决定前,我们有许多事情待考虑。
- They used a hundred and one devices to tie the masses hand and foot. 他们千方百计地捆住群众手脚。
- Betty gave me a hundred and one reasons why she couldn't come out with me this evening. 贝蒂向我说了她为什么今天晚上不能和我一起外出的许多理由。
- In fact, he flew a hundred and one missions into Germany with that plane. Isnt that amazing? 他驾驶那飞机往德国,执行了任务一百零一次,很厉害吧?
- The tavern had been dark and passably cool, with the front door open and big fans on the ceiling and one on a stand by the door whirring at about a hundred and five decibels. 小酒馆很暗,还算凉快,前门开着,天花板上有大电扇,还有一台立式电扇在门口以105分贝的响声转着。
- That'll be a hundred and nineteen dollars a night. 接待员:一个晚上一百一十九元。
- Duke of Venice. And mine, a hundred and forty. 公爵我的信上说是一百四十艘。
- You lost by only a hundred and twenty-one votes. 仅仅以一百二十一票的微弱差距输了。
- Cashier:A hundred and fifteen dollars, please. 收银员:请付一百一十五美元.
- Although the research of social capital theory is still in its infancy without a commonly acceptable and authoritative definition,social capital and social felationship network prove clearly to be tied in a hundred and one ways. 尽管社会资本理论的研究仍然处在初创阶段,还没有形成一个普遍被接受的权威性定义,但社会资本与社会关系网络存在的千丝万缕的联系却是被证明了的。
- One man is worth a hundred and a hundred are not worth one. 一可当百;百不如一。
- Now the years of abraham's life were a hundred and seventy-five. 亚伯拉罕一生的年日是一百七十五岁。
- One man is worth a hundred and a hundred is not worth one. 一人可抵一百,一百不抵一人。
- Although the research of social capital theory is still in its infancy without a commonly acceptable and authoritative definition, social capital and social felationship network prove clearly to be tied in a hundred and one ways. 尽管社会资本理论的研究仍然处在初创阶段,还没有形成一个普遍被接受的权威性定义,但社会资本与社会关系网络存在的千丝万缕的联系却是被证明了的。