- He looked at her with a jealous eye. 他以忌妒的目光看著她。
- a jealous streak 醋劲
- A loving man is always a jealous man. 钟情之人常是妒忌之人。
- The dog was a jealous guardian of the child. 狗是孩子小心翼翼的守护者。
- have a jealous streak 有点儿嫉妒.
- She was being followed by a jealous lover. 她被一个爱嫉妒的情人追随着。
- The frenzy of a jealous girl might urge her to such a course. 但是一个多疑的姑娘的疯狂激情却能怂恿她采取这种行动。
- Seth: "The ego is a jealous god, and it wants its interests served. 赛斯“自我是个爱嫉妒的神,它希望它的利益被满足。
- He was a jealous man who had discovered that his wife had a lover and had hit her in the heat of the moment. 他是个妒忌心很强的人,发现妻子有情人,一时盛怒打了她一顿。
- Mrs White always talks a blue streak. 怀特太太总是一开口就滔滔不绝。
- He had fallen victim to a jealous suspicion of all men who might even set eyes on his wife,let alone speak to her. 不管哪个男人,只要朝他老婆瞧上一眼,更不用说谈上一句话了,都会嫉妒他的艳福。
- A hostess deliberately places a seductive lady next to a husband with a jealous wife. 一位女主人故意把一个风骚女郎安排在其妻甚妒的男士邻座。
- S: No, what I see is a jealous old machinist who can't stand the fact that his son's become more successful than he is. 我看到的是一个老机械师受不了儿子变得比他更成功这一事实。
- Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. 不可敬拜别神;因为耶和华是忌邪的上帝,名为忌邪者。
- The venomous clamour of a jealous woman is a more deadly poison than a mad dog's tooth. 一个好吃醋的女人恶毒地漫骂起来,比一只疯狗咬人还要凶狠致命。
- I'm so afraid, Mr Mayor. Renaud, with all his hardboiled appearance, it is a jealous, sensitive man. 我很害怕,市长先生,雷诺虽然外表强硬,却是个妒嫉、敏感的人。
- He had fallen victim to a jealous suspicion of all men who might even set eyes on his wife, let alone speak to her. 不管哪个男人,只要朝他老婆瞧上一眼,更不用说谈上一句话了,都会嫉妒他的艳福。
- The Bible says that He is a jealous God;His love for us is to be reciprocated, and He is to be our first love. 圣经说祂是忌邪的上帝,祂爱我们,我们也要回报祂的爱,并且祂必须是我们的最爱。
- These steps help prevent Find Friends from being used, say, by a jealous ex-boyfriend or an overzealous boss. 上述举措能防止“找朋友”服务被某些人利用,如充满嫉妒的前任男友或过于热情的老板。
- He disappeared round the corner like a streak of lightning. 他快如闪电般地从拐角处消失。