- a life assurance company 人寿保险公司
- Heng An Standard Life (HASL) was established in 2003 by The Standard Life Assurance Company, a Fortune 500 company, and Tianjin TEDA International Holding (Group) Co. 恒安标准人寿保险有限公司于2003年12月创立,总部设在天津,注册资本金13.;02亿元人民币。
- Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada 加拿大永明人寿保险
- Canada Life Assurance Company Beijing Representative Office 加拿大人寿保险公司北京代表处
- He has a life assurance. 他投保了人寿保险。
- Typically in Japan, the bankruptcy of Nippon Life Insurance in 1997 and the subsequent bankruptcy of seven life assurance companies brought great shock in the international life assurance industry. 最为典型的是日本,自1997年“日本生命”破产以后,先后共7家寿险公司倒闭,给世界寿险业带来巨大震动。
- Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Beijing Representative Office 永明人寿保险公司北京代表处
- Standard Life Assurance Company Beijing Representative Office 英国标准人寿保险公司北京代表处
- She had led a life of luxury and privilege. 她过著养尊处优的生活。
- Standard Life Assurance Company Shanghai Representative Office 英国标准人寿保险公司上海代表处
- He leads a life (which is) free from care. 他过着无忧无虑的生活。
- We hope to have a life of happiness and prosperity. 我们希望拥有成功幸福的生活。
- The murderer was given a life sentence. 杀人凶手被判无期徒刑。
- Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Chongqing Representative Office 加拿大永明人寿保险公司重庆代表处
- Short-lived or ephemeral, as a life. 短命的或短暂的,如生命
- She had a life fraught with hardship. 她的一生充满了艰辛。
- Eagle Star Life Assurance Company Limited Beijing Representative Office 英国鹰星人寿保险公司北京代表处
- A life of ease is a difficult pursuit. 优悠自在的生活,是一个难以追求的东西。
- Eagle Star Life Assurance Company Limited Shanghai Representative Office 英国鹰星人寿保险公司上海代表处
- A live band is always a good draw at a party. 现场演奏的乐队在聚会上总是很吸引人的。