- We think it a little too thick to do it that way. 我们认为那样做太过分了。
- The porcelain glaze of this porcelain bottle is a little too thick, making the bottle out of shape. 这个瓷瓶的瓷釉有点厚,使瓷瓶的整体看起来有点走形。
- Perhaps it is a little too sour for your taste. 也许对您的口味来说太酸了一点。
- This jacket is a little too tight for him. 这件上衣他穿瘦了一点。
- This pair of shoes wear a little too tight. 这双鞋穿着似乎太紧了一点。
- Alice makes over her children a little too much. 艾丽斯姨妈对她的孩子们有些过分溺爱。
- It is a little too warm in this room. 房间好像太热了一点。
- His pedigree was a little too perfect. 他的品种有点太纯。
- Susan is a little too top-heavy to be a model. 苏栅对于作模特来说胸部有点儿太大了。
- The soup is a little too salty for me. 我觉得汤有点太咸了。
- Oh, this room is a little too dark. 喔,这房间太暗了一点。
- No,the 6:00 am flight is a little too early. 不,早上六点那班太早了点。
- We are going a little too slowly,I'm afraid. 我看恐怕咱们进行得太慢了一点儿。
- Be not the trousers a little too loose? 这裤子不是太宽了一点吗?
- A little too thin,perhaps,but still fair and young. 恐怕有点太瘦了,但依然年轻、美丽。
- Maybe we celebrated a little too over zealous. 我们男生为自己庆功,好不得意了一阵子。
- We think it a bit too thick to do it that way. 我们认为那样做太过分了。
- He was just a little too respectful. 这次他表现得有点过分虔恭。
- It is a little too optimistic to think so. 这样想有点太乐观了。
- It's a little too late to butter me up now! 现在拍我马屁太迟了!