- I'd like to be a surgeon,but's a long row to hoe. 我愿意当一名外科医生,但这不是件容易的事。
- I'd like to be a surgeon, but's a long row to hoe. 我愿意当一名外科医生,但这不是件容易的事。
- He has a new row to hoe,a long and rough one. 他有个新任务要完成,一个既费时间又花气力的任务。
- He has a new row to hoe, a long and rough one. 他有个新任务要完成,一个既费时间又花气力的任务。
- have a long row to hoe 难办之事
- a long row to hoe 困难的工作; 难办的事; 巨大的任务
- She has a hard row to hoe with five children and her husband dead. 她死了丈夫,要照顾5个孩子,日子实在不好过。
- Cause it's a long way to go, a hard row to hoe 因为还有很长的路要走,很辛苦的工作要做
- It\'s the most simple thing,and meanwhile has a long row to hoe. But precisely,because of its difficulty,it becomes more estimable. 最长久的牵手,一定是因为交叉的梦与追求,无论爱,亲,或然友。
- Outside the building there is a long row of trucks. 在大楼外是一长排卡车。
- long row to hoen. 难办的事
- You've certainly given yourself to the devil's own row to hoe. 您可真是上门找魔鬼,自投罗网。
- This is not an easy task.This is a tough row to hoe. 这可不是件轻松活,这是一项艰巨的任务。
- She had a hard row to hoe with six children and her husband dead. 她丈夫过世,又有六个小孩要照顾,生活真不容易。
- A long row of cut hay or grain left to dry in a field before being bundled. 摊成行吹干的谷物(或草等)在打成捆之前放在地里晾干的一长排割下的干草或谷物
- Rural financial States government has long been considered to be a hard row to hoe, despite the government invested a lot of resources, results have been unsatisfactory. 农村金融长期以来被各国政府认为是一难啃的硬骨头,尽管政府投入了大量的资源,成效一直不理想。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- Young people without enough education will have a tough row to hoe when they have to support themselves. 青年人要是书念少了,要维持生活将是很艰难的。
- GSW would have to beat DAL on the road, and looking at GSW's W-L on the road it would be a tough row to hoe... 金州勇士能打败小牛晋级,看看金州勇士在赛季中的胜负场次,那对他们真是个艰巨的任务。
- It took a long while to do the work. 做这个工作花了许多时间。