- The dog smelt the rabbit a long way off. 那条狗嗅出远处有兔子。
- We live a long way off the beaten track. 我们住的地方很偏僻。
- Success is still a long way off. 离成功还远着呢。
- Scientists are still a long way off finding a cure. 科学家们要找到一个治疗方法,还远着呢。
- The novel is a long way off perfection. 这部小说远非完美之作。
- Look, it was dark, they were a long way off. 你看,天很暗,它们离得又远。
- The summer holiday is still far a long way off. 暑假还离得远呢!
- Christmas is still a long way off. 圣诞节还早着呢。
- But that solution is a long way off. 但是那种解决方案也需要走一条很长的路。
- But self-sufficiency is still a long way off. 但自给自足仍还有漫长的路要走。
- I saw a man coming towards me from a long way off. 我看见一个人从远处走来。
- And on the third eyes, saw the plap a long way off. 第三日,亚伯拉罕举目观望,远远地看见了那地方。
- These fortunes in perspective look such a long way off. 在远景里的这些财富是可望而不可及的。
- Scientists are still a long way off (finding) a cure. 科学家还远未找到解决办法。
- There's pub at the bottom of the road is a long way off. 路的尽头有一家酒店,但离大道还很远。
- Christmas is a long way off from now. Graduation is a long way off. 离毕业还早着哩。
- We are still a long way off where we were last season. 我们要取得上赛季的成绩还有很长的路要走。
- Sadly, however, that sort of world is still a long way off. 然而令人遗憾的是,这样世界与我们还相距甚远。
- Owen is making good progress but knows his comeback is still a long way off. 尽管欧文的恢复正有效地进行中,但是他知道,回归赛场的日子还很长。
- A Vaccine Is Still a Long Way Off, but Other Methods May Slow Spread. 开发艾滋病疫苗仍然雄关漫道,但其它一些治疗方法可以减缓艾滋病的发展。