- In a manner that does not take an object. 独立地,分离地指不带宾语形式的独立格
- a manner that repels 使人讨厌的举止
- Isabel spoke in a manner that might have seemed a little perverse. 伊莎贝尔说,她的态度也许显得有些固执。
- Something that is offered in a manner that conceals its true nature or value. 在形式上掩盖了真实特性或价值的东西
- After some time of this the wolf started off at an easy lope in a manner that plainly showed he was going somewhere. 这样过了一段时间后,那只狼以轻快的步子跑开,明白地表示他要去某个地方,并让巴克明白也跟去。
- He asked,eyeing me in a manner that I could ill endure after this inhospitable treatment. 他问。就在我刚才受到那样不礼貌的接待后,他还这样瞅着我,可真难以忍受。
- To attack(a chess opponent's king) in such a manner that no escape or defense is possible,thus ending the game. 将死攻击(国际象棋中对手的“国王”),使之无法逃脱或抵抗来结束游戏。
- The gentleman looked fidging fain to be gone, but submitted in a manner that made Mary like him. 那个人心里很焦急,只想早些脱身,可是又不得不敷衍着,那种样子倒叫玛丽很喜欢他。
- The discharged employee should be escorted at all times and treated in a manner that causes minimal embarrassment. 被解雇之员工在离职前应随时有人陪同,而陪同人员应尽量将对被解雇员工造成的窘迫与困扰减至最低程度。
- This paragraph shall not be used in a manner that would undermine the amendment provisions in Article X. 本款不得以损害第10条中有关修正规定的方式使用。
- Was the equipment produced to specifications and operated in a manner that the design was intended to satisfy? 是否设备有依照规格生产,并且照符合设计的方式操作?
- The disk will be fixated in a manner that makes it readable and open for adding more data. 盘将会以某种方式被固定下来,使得盘可读,也可以添加更多数据。
- "You!" exclaimed the bishop in a manner that Mr. Slope could hardly have considered complimentary. “你吗
- The.NET Framework helps you detect when you are accessing your controls in a manner that is not thread safe.. NET Framework有助于在以非线程安全方式访问控件时检测到这一问题。
- The attorneys lay out the facts of the case in a manner that is most favorable to their side. 律师以最有利于本方的方式阐明事实,起诉方可以利用终结辩论进行总结。
- She has a rather twee manner that I find irritating. 她娇里娇气,我觉得很讨厌。
- An aerosol spray that repels flies. 驱除苍蝇的喷雾器
- He blamed me and in a manner he was right. 他责备我,而在某种程度上他是对的。
- For the unconscious skews your vision in such a manner that it may distort your conscious intent. 因为无意识以这样一种方式扭曲你的想像,所以它会扭曲你有意识的意想。
- Those in Group Mastery are only guided in a manner that leads to an internal state of knowingness. 团队掌握中只有对通向内在知晓状态的引导。