- He was certified and sent to a mental hospital. 他经诊断为精神失常而送往精神病院。
- You can see a padded cell in a mental hospital . 在精神病院里,你能见到墙壁装有护垫的小房间。
- He was certifiedand sent to a mental hospital. 他经诊断为精神失常而送往精神病院。
- A mental hospital has just been set up here. 这里刚刚建成一座精神病医院。
- You can see a padded cell in a mental hospital. 在精神病院里,你能见到墙壁装有护垫的小房间。
- Have you ever been a patient xn a mental hospital? 你是否曾经是精神病医院的病人?
- Ralph and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital. 精神病院有两个病人,拉尔夫和艾娜。
- Mike is afraid that the doctor will shut him away in a mental hospital. 迈克害怕医生会把他关进精神病院。
- Mary is afraid that the doctor will shut her away in a mental hospital. 玛丽害怕医生把她关进精神病院。
- It chronicles Susanna's (Winona Ryder) confused attempt at suicide which lands her in a mental hospital. 开始时,她极不愿意留在病院,但经过与丽莎(安芝莲娜祖莉饰)、佐芝(姬莉亚杜华饰)等人快乐相处后,竟然不想离开。
- De Groot was carried off to a mental hospital, declared insane and later fined for the replacement cost of one ribbon. 德?葛洛特被送往精神病医院,被宣布患有精神病,后又被罚赔偿更换彩带的费用。
- Police say Phillip Paul, there he is, he escaped Thursday during a mental hospital field trip to a county fair. 你从画面上看到的人叫菲利普-保罗,警方说他是在周四精神病院进行乡间集市实地旅行的时候逃跑的。
- Singer Mick Jagger from the band The Rolling Stones was once a porter at a mental hospital. 滚石乐队的歌手米克杰格以前曾是一家精神病医院的护工。
- College enrollment in a post, he taught Lunbaluosha to participate in the clinical treatment of a mental hospital. 在医学院就学的后期,他就到伦巴罗沙教授的精神病院参加临床治疗。
- You see a mental hospital that the doctor hands of the electric batons an OK, he immediately threatened in a not-so said. 你看精神病院那个大夫手里把电棍一掂,他马上吓的一句胡话都不说了。
- A total of 182 psychiatric patients and 44 psychiatric nurses were purposively selected from a mental hospital in northern Taiwan. 以北部某精神科专科医院182位精神科住院病患及44位临床护理人员做为研究对象。
- He has a mental block about maths. 他一遇到数学问题就糊涂。
- He was held in a mental hospital for nearly a month, where he was bound, drugged and threatened by staff when he demanded his release, the report said. 报道称,他被关在一个精神病院将近一个月。在那儿,他要求释放自己,但遭到捆绑,还被工作人员注射了药物,并遭到了威胁。
- A mental deviation or aberration. 神经错乱或精神变态
- It tells the story of a girl who suffers from a delusion that she is a cyborg.She is locked up in a mental hospital, where she carries batteries to recharge herself. 本片描述一名误认为自己是半机器人,并且深受其扰的女孩,她被锁在医院里,身上带著电池替自己充电。