- There is a multilateral agreement to keep the peace between the two countries. 两国达成了一项和平共处的多边协议。
- To negotiate a multilateral agreement where signatories would place into the public domain, or find other means of sharing at modest cost, the results of largely publicly funded research. 商签一项多边协定,签约方将把大部分由公共部门资助的研究成果公之于众,或者寻求其他的办法以最小的成本分享这一成果。
- Here too a multilateral approach is required. 这点也要求一种多边关系手段。
- a multilateral agreement 多边协议
- The decision to accept a multilateral treaty or agreement shall be made by the State Council. 第十二条接受多边条约和协定,由国务院决定。
- The effect of a multilateral trade agreement is generally greater than the effect of a regional trade agreement. 然而,区域贸易协定却仅能抵消掉小部分多边贸易协定所产生的效果。
- North Korea is a serious and serial violator of pretty well every international law, bilateral and multilateral agreement on nuclear matters. 连南韩这个同根生,而且最有耐心的邻居,也要求北韩遵守国际法,否则将切断民生援助。
- Implementing The Montreal Protocol In Small Businesses: Examples For Managing Chemicals Under A Multilateral Environmental Agreement? 小型贸易蒙特利尔协议的实施:多边环境协议下化学制品管理案例?
- A multilateral nuclear test ban treaty was to be signed. 将签署一项禁止核试验的多边条约。
- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
- With the coming into effect of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) when the WTO was established on January 1,1995,international trade in services is now governed by a legally enforceable multilateral agreement. 世界贸易组织于一九九五年一月一日成立,服务贸易总协定也开始生效。自此,国际间的服务贸易便受该法定可强制执行的多边协定所规管。
- Considering that there was no multilateral agreement on anti-competitive practices in the WTO, WIPO should promote measures to help establish some disciplines to avoid anti-competitive practices in IP. 考虑到在WTO中没有关于反竞争做法的多边协议,WIPO应当推动制定措施,作出关于在知识产权领域内防止反竞争做法的一些规定。
- With the coming into effect of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) when the WTO was established on January 1, 1995, international trade in services is now governed by a legally enforceable multilateral agreement. 世界贸易组织于一九九五年一月一日成立,服务贸易总协定也开始生效。自此,国际间的服务贸易便受该法定可强制执行的多边协定所规管。
- I began by asking him what he thought of the idea of a multilateral force for NATO. 我一开始就问他他对北约建立多边力量的想法有何看法。
- They are working for a sound development of a multilateral trade regime so that they may complement one another. 促进多边贸易体制的健康发展,实现优势互补。
- Britain concluded a trade agreement with China. 英国和中国签署了贸易协定。
- Advised a company on securing fair treatment of its product by a multilateral development bank. 建议一家公司通过多边发展银行确保其产品的公平对待。
- The agreement is a compromise, not a sell-out. 这个协议是双方妥协的产物而不是一方让步。
- At the same time,we should adopt bilateral(agreements) and multilateral agreements to resolve the conflicts of antitrust ... 同时采用双边协定与多边协定并用的方式来解决域外适用中的冲突。
- Your action is a breach of our agreement. 你的行动违反了我们的协议。