- Our car met another car on a narrow road . 在一条窄路上,我们的车和另一辆车相碰。
- Our car met another car on a narrow road. 在一条窄路上,我们的车和另一辆车相碰。
- If you aspire to compete with the best, you just walk a narrow road. 如果你渴望同最好的选手比赛,那你只是走进了窄胡同。
- And ally An alley is a narrow road way roadway through the middle of a block. 背街是穿过街道中间的一条小路。
- Near the campfire,he saw some tracks leaving the place,heading for the forest through a narrow road. 在篝火附近,他看到了离开的脚印,穿过一条小径走进了林子。
- Near the campfire, he saw some tracks leaving the place, heading for the forest through a narrow road. 在篝火附近,他看到了离开的脚印,穿过一条小径走进了林子。
- The road finished in a narrow path. 那条路的末端是一条小径。
- Near Taraz, I managed to capture a photo of two cars overtaking a truck, one on each side, at a corner of a narrow road. 很显然的,中亚已经变成德国垃圾的集散中心了。
- Just as the old saying,"Enemies are bound to meet on a narrow road", what a coincidence it is these two foes came aross each other. 真是冤家路窄,这两个仇人居然碰到了一起。
- Tai Gong said:"If you want to attack a large number with only a few, you must do it at sunset, setting an ambush in tall grass, pressing them on a narrow road. 太公说:要以少击众,必须利用日春,把部队埋伏在深草地带,在隘路截击敌人。
- A gem cut in the form of a narrow rectangle. 狭长形宝石被切成细条形的宝石
- The travelers edged warily along the narrow road. 旅游者沿着狭窄的小路小心前行。
- A narrow border, molding, or fillet. 扁带饰窄条,装饰用嵌线或窄带
- A 60-year-old man with a neat beard and a wool hat expressed his disapproval as he walked to evening prayers along a narrow road that would soon be widened to 20 feet under the government's plan. 一名60岁男人,留着整齐的山羊胡须和戴着顶羊皮帽子,一边沿着狭窄的晚上祈祷的道路散步,一边表示他不赞成,政府计划不久这里要加宽到20英尺以下。
- He has only a narrow circle of friends. 他交游不广。
- The bill passed by a narrow squeak. 议案勉强通过了。
- Tom passed the examination by a narrow margin. 汤姆考试勉强及格。
- A narrow gap or pass between hills or woods. 小路山间或林间狭窄地带或通道
- A narrow pass between mountains. 山与山之间的狭窄通道
- A narrow passage between buildings. 小巷,小街建筑物之间狭窄的过道