- navigable waters; a navigable channel. 可通航的水体;可通航的河道。
- Navigable waters; a navigable river. 可通航的水体; 可通航的河流
- When a navigation channel is involved,approval shall be given by the river administrative department together with the navigation channel administrative department. 涉及航道的,由河道主管部门会同航道主管部门批准。
- A 42-foot navigation channel serves Wilmington. 威尔明顿港航道深达42 英尺。
- A navigable body of water, such as a river, channel, or canal. 航道可航行之水体,如河流、海峡或运河
- A navigable deep-water channel in a river or harbor or along a coastline. 航路河流、港口或沿海岸的深水可航航道
- The navigable channels have all been charted . 所有的航道都已绘入海图。
- A navigable deep - water channel in a river or harbor or along a coastline. 航路河流、港口或沿海岸的深水可航航道
- The navigable channels have all been charted. 所有可以通航的水道都已在海图上标出来。
- a navigable channel 可以通航的河道
- A commerce school and a navigation school. 商业学校、航海学校等等。
- Navigator Represents an object in a navigator. 描述了导航器中的一个对象。
- Rumei: Sure. What does a navigator do? 如梅:当“领航员”都需要做什么?
- The resedimentation of the navigable channel is estimated by the means of combining theories with experiences.It is the supplement of t... 结合半理论半经验的方法估算航槽的回淤,作为对泥沙数学模型的补充,并对比分析数模结果与估算结果。
- Waterway n. N. Nautical A navigable body of water, such as a river, channel, or canal. 航道可航行之水体,如河流、海峡或运河。
- Dredging of the Lamma Power Station Navigation Channel. 在南丫发电厂航道进行挖泥作业。
- He was a proficient both as a flyer and as a navigator. 他既精于飞行,又擅于导航。
- A navigator checks the map and watches out for road signs. 需要查地图,观察路标。
- He was proficient both as a flyer and as a navigator. 他既精于飞行,又善于导航。
- From a navigational point of view, they were almost useless. 从航海的观点看,它们几乎一无所用。