- During the region's summer months, sand and dust storms are regularly spurred by the shamal, a northwesterly wind that whips the region as air migrates toward a low-pressure center over Pakistan. 大气层夏季的时候,夏马风(中亚及波斯湾一带的一种寒冷的西北风)有规律地扬起沙尘暴,当气流移向低压中心,穿越过巴基斯坦时,一股西北风鞭笞着大气层。
- a northwesterly wind 西北风
- Northwesterly winds were replaced by easterlies. 东风取代西北风,烟霞随风向西飘,但仍影响香港。
- When winter comes, it blows mainly northwesterly wind and has many steady weathers. 秋季冷暖适中,多晴天;冬季以偏北风为主,稳定天气多。
- By the time when they have turned ruddy and the leaves fallen, the northwesterly wind will begin to reign supreme and make a dusty world of the North. 等枣树叶落,枣子红完,西北风就要起来了,北方便是尘沙灰土的世界。
- A northwesterly gale was blowing when daylight came on the twenty-seventh. 27日黎明时分,正刮着西北风。
- Wind direction turned counterclockwise and by midnight most places were blowing northwesterly winds. 本港风向即由东北转向西北。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- SINLAKU has started a northwesterly track. At 20 HKT, SINLAKU was centred about 260 km (140 NM) SE of Taipei. 森垃克开始采取偏西北的路径。在20HKT,森垃克集结在台北东南约260公里(140海里)。
- NANGKA will emerge from the Philippines tonight and should start a northwesterly motion along the southwestern quadrant of the ridge. 预料浪卡今晚将于菲律宾西部出海,重新进入洋面,并沿副高西南向西北移动。
- The steering subtropical ridge is located E of the system, and the extension at its western end is contributing to a northwesterly to north-northwesterly movement. 现在娜基莉受到在其东面的副热带高压脊之西面延伸影响,向西北至西北偏北移动。
- FENGSHEN travelled due west last night, but started a northwesterly track a few hours ago. At 14 HKT, FENGSHEN was centred about 300 km (160 NM) SSE of Manila. 风神昨晚向西移动,但过去数小时开始转向西北。在14HKT,风神集结在马尼拉东南偏南约300公里(160海里)。
- She was like a narcissus trembling in the wind. 她像一株在风中摇动的水仙。
- The prevailing northwesterly winds at that time brought haze to the airport. The front edge of the haze, in bright yellow colour, was clearly discernible. 当时所吹的西北风为机场带来了烟霞,图中清晰可见的明亮地方便是烟霞的前缘。
- A feather floated down on the wind. 一根羽毛随风飘落。
- Warnings of gale force northwesterly winds with gusts exceeding 50 knots, turbulence and thunderstorms issued by the AMO were effective at the time of the accident. 机场气象所发出了有关西北烈风及阵风超过每小时50海里的警告。此外,湍流及雷暴警报亦正生效。
- A strong head wind lashed the sea into waves. 一股顶头风在海中掀起了波浪。
- A humid wind blew from the south. 湿润的风从南方吹来。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。