- The cabinet in a parliamentary system. 内阁议会制度下的内阁
- To apply cloture to(a parliamentary debate). 结束辩论而付诸表决采用终结辩论以表决的方法结束(国会辩论)
- They will bring in a parliamentary bill. 他们将提出一项国会提案。
- a parliamentary contest 议会议员竞选
- England was in the throes of a parliamentary campaign. 英国处于国会竞选的阵痛之中。
- The government lost a parliamentary confidence vote. 政府失去了议会的信任票。
- The agency should also report to a Parliamentary Select Committee. 这个机构也应向一个国会特别委员会汇报。
- Jersey is a parliamentary democracy which is a dependency of the British Crown. 泽西岛是议会制民主个体,是英国皇室的屩地的。
- The French president backed the idea of a parliamentary inquiry into the burqa. 法国总统支持议会对布卡进行调查。
- A parliamentary committee representing all political parties appoints a person to investigate private grievances against the State. 代表各个政党的议会委员会任命一个人来调查个人对国家的不满。
- The United States does not have a parliamentary political system in which voters cast their ballots for parties. 美国没有一种选民为他们的政党投票的议会政治制度。
- It is a parliamentary democracy, patterned generally after the Western European model. 它是一个模仿西欧议会民主制的国家。
- Only a fool would contest against those odds. 只有傻瓜才不会接受这样的赔率。
- The ruling political party or coalition of political parties in a parliamentary system. 执政党国会里的执政党或联合执政党
- A special election held between general elections to fill a vacancy, as for a parliamentary seat. 补缺选举,特别选举在常规选举间隙为填补空缺而进行的特别的选举,如在竞选议会席位时
- As you know,sir,we also have a parliamentary system of government similar to yours. 先生,您知道我们也有类似您们的议会政治体制。
- The official published verbatim report of the proceedings of a parliamentary body,originally of the British Parliament. 官方出版的议会机构会议记录一字不差的报告,源于英国议会。
- A special election held between general elections to fill a vacancy,as for a parliamentary seat. 补缺选举,特别选举在常规选举间隙为填补空缺而进行的特别的选举,如在竞选议会席位时
- Israel's centrist Kadima Party has signed a coalition deal with the ultra-Orthodox Shas Party, clearing the way for a parliamentary majority. 以色列持中间立场的前进党同极端正统派的沙斯党签署了一项联合协议,从而扫清了获得议会多数的道路。