- Designed for four hands, as a piano duet. 四手联弹的四手联弹的,如在钢琴合奏中
- There is a piano duet by two Italians. 有意大利人的钢琴二重奏。
- He'll never get like his teammate Greg Oden and sing a piano duet with J. 他永远不会像他的队友奥登那样,在全国电视观众面前和J.
- Not only is the 80-page document a working manuscript for the only piano version of a major work by Beethoven, it is one of his few compositions for a piano duet. 这份长达80页的手稿不仅是贝多芬的一部主要作品的唯一钢琴演奏版,也是他创作的为数不多的钢琴二重奏乐谱之一。
- Tom is going to buy either a guitar or a piano. 汤母不是要买一把吉他就是要买一架钢琴。
- She has a piano on loan from her friend. 她正在借用朋友的钢琴。
- There was a piano duet by two Italians, a violin solo by Mr Smith, 有意大利人的钢琴二重奏,史密斯先生的小提琴独奏,
- He sang to a piano accompaniment. 他演唱由钢琴伴奏。
- For her birthday I bought her a piano. 我买了一架钢琴作为她的生日礼物。
- The concert began with a piano solo. 音乐会以钢琴独奏曲拉开序幕。
- The strings of a piano vibrate when the keys are struck. 钢琴的琴键一弹琴弦就振动出声。
- I'm no great shakes as a piano player, but I can sing well. 我弹钢琴并不怎么样,但唱歌我是不错的。
- He played a piano sonata of his own composition. 他弹奏了一首自作的钢琴奏鸣曲。
- A piano has black and white keys. 钢琴上有黑白键。
- A key played with the finger, as on a piano. 琴键如在钢琴上用手指弹奏的部分
- The first piece is a piano solo by Berio. 第一个节目是贝里奥的钢琴独奏。
- The following item is a piano solo by Jackson. 下一个节目是杰克逊表演的钢琴独奏。
- At the second desk was a half-finished set of Beethoven's symphonies that Czerny was arranging for piano duet for another publisher. 第二张桌子上是完成了一半的贝多芬交响曲,是车尔尼为另一个出版商改编的钢琴二重奏。
- A few chords from a piano reached our ears. 我们听到传来几下钢琴和音的声音。
- Taiwanese Pianist Pei-Wen CHEN and husband Alexander PALEY just had a charity piano duet concert tonight.In the rehearsal press conference,... 、帕雷显的相当兴奋、更在访谈中向自己的妻子陈佩雯深情告白、但也强调自己不会将私生活与专业工作混为一谈。