- A place of abode; a residence. 居住的地方; 住处
- In the end they reached a place of safety. 他们终于到达了一个安全的地方。
- A cinema is a place of entertainment. 电影院是个娱乐场所。
- She led the children to a place of safety. 她把孩子们领到一个安全的地方。
- The children were led to a place of safety. 孩子们被带到一个安全的地方。
- A place of ideal beauty or loveliness. 乐园,极美的所在理想中美丽或可爱的地方
- A place of shelter or concealment. 隐藏之处或藏身之处
- A place of refuge or rest; a sanctuary. 避难所避难或休息的地方; 庇护所
- A possible connotation of "home" is a place of warmth, comfort and affection". “家”的可能涵义是“一个温暖、舒适和爱的地方”。
- A place of extreme wretchedness or squalor. 极端凄惨的地方或极度肮脏不堪的地方
- He still held a place of great mark in literature. 他仍然在文坛上占非常重要的地位。
- An instance or a place of great suffering. 蒙难地,蒙难时刻使人受巨大折磨的事例或地方
- A odeum is a place of entertainment. 音乐厅是公众娱乐场所。
- It gives the musicians a place of prominence. 这就突出了琴师们的显著地位。
- It was always a place of pilgrimage. 它一直是受人朝觐的地方。
- A place of privacy, security, or refuge. 避难所隐蔽、安全的地方或避难所
- A place of fiery heat or destruction. 炽热之地一个炽热的或毁灭的地方
- Before we can master an enemy,we must know its name,its habits,and its place of abode. 在我们能够力克敌人之前,必须先知道对方的姓名、习性和住所。
- A place of judgment; a tribunal. 法庭审判的地方;法庭
- Involuntary resettlement Movement of peoples away from their normal place of abode against their will. 非自愿移民使居民非自愿地从原来的正常居住地迁走。