- A police patrol boat hailed to us to come to. 警察局的一艘巡逻艇招呼我们停下。
- A police car jogged along on the rough path to the village. 一辆警车在通向村庄的高低不平的小路上颠簸地行进。
- The thieves were caught in a police trap. 窃贼遭警方用计擒获。
- The two flagged down a police car ... 二人举手拦下一部警车。
- I was bundled into a police van. 我被推进警车。
- The rioting came to a climax when the mob overthrew a police car. 暴民们推翻了一辆警车,这时,动乱达到了高潮。
- A police car drew alongside and signalled to me to stop. 一辆警车开到我身边示意我停下来。
- The policemen bundled the criminals into a police car. 警察们把罪犯塞进了一辆警车。
- A woman who is a member of a police force. 女警察作为警察部队成员的妇女
- The old man was a police commissioner before his retirement. 这位老人退休前是警察局长。
- The supposed beggar was really a police officer in disguise. 那个众人眼中的乞丐,其实是化了装的警察。
- He got two years' imprisonment for assaulting a police officer. 他因袭击警察而遭两年监禁。
- Due to a police mix- up, the robber go free and the victim is jailed. 由於警察搞混了,小偷逃逸而受害者却入狱了。
- The drugs were snuffled in a bag by a police dog. 这些毒品是警犬在嗅一个提包时找到的。
- A club carried by a police officer. 警棍警官携带的棍棒
- That red light means that is a police box. 那红灯表示那是警察亭。
- Anderson had a police scanner in his pickup. 安德森车上有一台警方安装的扫描器。
- A police car cruises past the street every hour. 警车每小时巡逻这条街一次。
- A police dog had found him beneath a nearby house. 有一只警犬在附近的一所房子下面找到了他。
- There's two of these police type around him, to wind the screws in harder to the point where he cannot move a centimetre! 而事实上他(卡卡洛夫)不是走进去的,而是自地面走近,被弹进去的!