- a poll of average people;average eyesight. 普通人群落;中等视力
- a poll of average people; average eyesight. 普通人群落;中等视力
- a poll of average people 普通人群落
- The newspaper took a poll of the man in the street. 报纸对普通人进行民意测验。
- The newspaper took a poll of 300 people to see what the man in the street thinks. 那家报纸对三百人进行了民意测验, 看普通老百姓有些什么想法。
- A poll of 70,000 men with an average age of 28 debunked many of the standard stereotypes to show that the modern man is driven by a sense of values, loyaltyfamily. 该项调查有7万名平均年龄为28岁的男士参加。调查结果显示现代男性有自己的价值观、对爱情忠诚,并有家庭责任感,这打破了以往人们对现代男性的固有看法。
- A poll of 70,000 men with an average age of 28 debunked many of the standard stereotypes to show that the modern man is driven by a sense of values, loyalty and family. 据一项最新调查显示,大多数年轻男士认为应该拥有灵魂伴侣,不怕做出承诺,而且真正的男人是会流泪的。
- In a poll of 18 nations, The Gallup Organization discovered that Icelanders are the happiest people alive. 美国的盖洛普民意测验组织对世界上18个国家的民意测验表明:冰岛人是世界上最快乐的人。
- A poll of 70,000 men with an average age of 28 debunked many of the standard stereotypes to show that the modern man is drive a sense of values, loyalty and family. 该项调查有7万名平均年龄为28岁的男士参加。调查结果显示现代男性有自己的价值观、对爱情忠诚,并有家庭责任感,这打破了以往人们对现代男性的很多固有看法。
- Quinnipiac University conducted a poll of 1,636 US voters. 昆尼皮亚克大学共对美国1636名选民进行了调查。
- In a recent poll of average Chinese, Spring Festival Gala on CCTV topped the list in terms of rating. The result shows the majority were satisfied with the CCTV gala. 在近期的一次对中国民众的调查中,中央电视台春节联欢晚会赢得了收视率冠军。结果表明大部分人对中央台的晚会表示满意。
- The pinch on the pocketbooks of average people has translated into less work for gardeners, house cleaners, landscapers and other unskilled or low-skilled laborers. 一般人也不得不勒紧腰包,过去雇人做的事情现在都自己动手了。这样一来,园丁、清洁工、园艺师和其他没有特殊技术或技能较低的工人就发现活计变得越来越少了。
- A law stating that in Liverpool, only a clerk in a tropical fish store is allowed to be publicly topless, was also ridiculous, said a poll of 3,931 people for UKTV Gold television out Tuesday. 英国电视黄金台本周二公布的一项对3931人的民意调查说,利物浦有一项法律规定,只有热带鱼商店的店员才允许在公共场合袒胸露背,这也让人匪夷所思。
- He is of average height and is a little overweight. 身高中等,有点胖,
- The popularity of a television or radio program as estimated by a poll of segments of the audience. 收听率,收视率通过对听众,观众的调查得出的电视或广播节目的受欢迎程度
- Careate a view of average score. 创建平均分视图。
- Meanwhile, a poll of Wall Street strategists found that not a single pundit was predicting that American shares would fall this year. 同时,一份针对华尔街战略家的投票调查发现,没有一位权威人士预测今年美国股票价格会下跌。
- Eg Kate is a student of average intelligence. 是个智力平平的学生。
- A man of average height came to see you today. 今天有一位中等身材的人来看你。
- Film icon Audrey Hepburn has been deemed the most naturally beautiful woman ever in a poll of beauty experts. 在一次由选美专家参加的投票选举中,银幕偶像奥黛丽·赫本被评为最具有自然美的女人。