- The zebra fell a prey to the lion. 那斑马被狮子所捕食。
- The goat fell a prey to the tiger. 那只山羊落入了虎口。
- Dick fell a prey to his ambition. 迪克因野心勃勃而自食其果。
- He became a prey to the wicked woman's wiles. 他中了那个邪女的奸计。
- I fell a prey to the keenest anxiety. 我开始被最强烈的焦虑折磨着。
- That man is destined to be a prey to women. 他那个人天生是给女人玩弄的。
- She was worse than a prey to wickedness. 她比坏透了的人还坏。
- Macbeth fell a prey to his ambition. 麦克佩斯因野心勃勃而自食其果。
- She fell a prey to lovesickness. 她为相思病所折磨。
- The deer fell a prey to the lion. 那鹿成了狮子的猎物。
- Severing certain relationships, a predator could also be a prey, therefore the extinction of one might ultimately endanger our own as a species. 我觉得还是着重讲一下正因为人类对自然界的巨大影响(基本都是负面的),所以才有责任对濒危的油气是由于人类而濒危的物种进行保护。
- The young man fell a prey to the wicked woman's wiles. 这个年轻人中了那邪恶女人的奸计。
- "Is Israel a slave? Or is he a homeborn servant? Why has he become a prey? 以色列是仆人麽.是家中生的奴仆麽.为何成为掠物呢。
- Is Israel a slave? Is he a homeborn slave? Why has he become a prey? 14以色列是奴仆么?是家中生的奴仆么?为何竟成为掠物呢?
- Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey. 诚实少见,离恶的人反成掠物。
- Away from his family and friends, the young man soon fell a prey to those more cunning than himself. 这个年轻人离开家庭和朋友走后不久便遭到比他还更狡诈的人欺凌。
- Away from his family and friends,the young man soon fell a prey to those more cunning than himself. 这个年轻人离开家庭和朋友走后不久,便遭到比他还更狡诈的人欺凌。
- He used the image of a snake that had lost its swiftness from swallowing too large a prey. 他把这比作一条蛇,由于吞食了太大的动物而无法动弹。
- Only the cattle we took for a prey unto ourselves, and the spoil of the cities which we took. 惟有牲畜和所夺的各城,并其中的财物,都取为自己的掠物。
- And she hath risen in the night, and given a prey to her household, and victuals to her maidens. 天还未明,她已起身,为给家人分配食物,给婢女们分派家务。