- A ship in quarantine show a yellow flag call the quarantine flag. 被检疫的船只插着一面黄色的检疫旗。
- A quarantine station for animals. 为动物而设的检疫站。
- A building or ship used as a quarantine station. 检疫所用作隔离检疫站的建筑物或船只
- a quarantine flag (被检疫的船上挂的)黄色检疫旗
- A ship in quarantine shows a yellow flag called the quarantine flag. 被检疫的船只插着一面黄色的检疫旗。
- A ship in quarantine shows a yellow flag called the quarantine flag . 被检疫的船只插着一面黄色的检疫旗。
- Their conveyances at work are required to bear quarantine flags. 卫生检疫机关的交通工具在执行任务期间,应当悬挂检疫旗帜。
- Rhyncnophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) is a quarantine pest in our country. 摘要红棕象甲是我国林业检疫性害虫。
- The government established a quarantine for40 days in an effort to curb the high incidence of cholera. 政府为了控制霍乱的高发病率,确定了40天的隔离期。
- No unit or individual may obstruct a quarantine functionary of an animal and plant quarantine organ from carrying out his or her duties according to law. 动植物检疫机关检疫人员依法执行公务,任何单位和个人不得阻挠。
- He had been kept in quarantine for a week. 他接受了一星期的检疫隔离。
- A red flag slowly went up the pole. 一面红旗徐徐升起。
- Cold storage is commonly used as a quarantine treatment for fruits and vegetables. 冷藏常用于水果和蔬菜的检疫处理。
- There is a picture of the sickle on the flag. 旗帜上有镰刀的图案。
- The use of irradiation as a quarantine treatment of fruits and vegetables was originally proposed by Koidsumi (1930) some 60 years ago. 辐照用于水果和蔬菜的检疫处理是由Koidsumi(1930)在大约60年前提出的。
- In the case of a quarantine pest within a country, measures shall be applied without discrimination between domestic and imported consignments. 如果一个国家内出现检疫性病虫害,对国内托运物品和进口托运物品都应一视同仁地采取检疫措施。
- At a quarantine centre, masked and gowned nurses and doctors checked passengers who failed a thermal-imaging check at the station entrance. 作为检疫中心之一,面带口罩、身着白褂的医护人员随时准备,检疫那些在火车站入口热成像检查出现异样的旅客。
- According to this system, the risk value for giant ragweed was 83 and it was considered as a quarantine pest with high risk. 应用该体系对三裂叶豚草进行了风险评估,得出其风险值为83,属高度危险的检疫性有害生物。
- Nosemosis is a quarantine disease of honeybee, which greatly hinders c olony development and reduces the yield of honeybee products. 蜂微孢子虫病是蜜蜂的检疫性病害,该病严重阻碍了蜂群的生产繁殖。
- A white flag is used as a token of surrender. 白旗是用作投降的信号。