- a radically different setting 一种截然不同的环境
- Create a radically different kind of product demonstration? 创造一种彻底不同的产品示范?
- Harvard also offers a radically different educational experience, stressing breadth of study and real world applications of knowledge. 哈佛给学生的教育也大不一样,强调学习的广度和知识在现实生活中的应用。
- But it is a very different beast from the PS3, inspired by a radically different strategy. 但这个东西和PS3有很大的不同,是一项截然不同的激进战略催生的灵感。
- "The industry will come through it but it will be a radically different industry," he said. 科尔多斯基:“这个行业会渡过难关的,但是整个行业的面貌会跟过去有很大的不同。
- Harvard also offers a radically different educational experience,stressing breadth of study and real world applications of knowledge. 哈佛给学生的教育也大不一样,强调学习的广度和知识在现实生活中的应用。
- By approaching design with the customer in mind, and not simply as a collection of functional requirements, Eastman arrived at a radically different result. 通过贴近用户想法的设计出发,而不是简单的拼凑功能,伊士曼获得了截然不同的效果。
- A radically different scheme known as continuously variable transmission (CVT) has lurked in the background for 50 years, however, and has recently made inroads in small and midsize cars and in hybrid vehicles. 另有一种截然不同的设计,称为无段自动变速系统(CVT),50年来一直鲜少被注意,最近开始出现在中小型汽车和混合动力车辆上。
- This trend too should change attitudes at big firms, so that generics are not seen merely as pests to be tolerated or paid off, but rather as inspiration for a radically different business model. 这一趋势也应改变大公司的态度,使仿制药不只是被看作是需要容忍或冒风险的有害之物,而更应该看作是能触发完全不同的商业模式的灵感。
- Scientists might never have fully appreciated the climate's ability to lurch into a radically different state if not for ice cores extracted from Greenland's massive ice sheet in the early 1990s. 如果没有1990年代初期自格陵兰广袤的冰原所钻取的冰心,科学家对于气候具有跃进至截然不同状态的能力,绝不会有通盘的理解。
- Don't make your negativity stronger by fighting against it. Instead, make it irrelevant and powerless by turning your attention and putting your energy in a radically different direction. 不要通过与局势相对抗的方式让这种消极的感觉被助长;相反;应该转移注意力或者通过一种完全不同的方式来释放激情.
- In these cases a different set of rules kicks in. 这类情况需要遵循不同的规则。
- There is only a formal resemblance between the two systems; they are in fact radically different. 这两种体系只是在表面上有某种相似之处,其实根本不同。
- A different set of concerns surrounds coral. 珊瑚受到了非同寻常的关注。
- she took a radically different approach. 她采取了一个过激的、与众不同的方法。
- They called for a radical reform of our tax system. 他们要求对税收制度进行根本改革。
- Each Office program furnishes a different set of tools. 每个Office程序都附带不同的工具集。
- He took up a radical position on this issue. 他对这个问题抱着激进的态度。
- "Different ethnicities are radically different... 不同的种族差别是很大的
- A radical is a man with both feet firmly planted in the air. 激进分子就是把两腿牢牢插在空气中的人。