- a reversal of current trends 目前趋势的转变
- A cylindrical arrangement of insulated metal bars connected to the coils of a direct-current electric motor or generator, providing a unidirectional current from the generator or a reversal of current into the coils of the motor. 电流转换器;整流器绝缘金属棒的圆柱形配置,连接到直流电动机或发电机线圈上,从发电机中提供方向不变的电流或对电动机线圈提供反向电流
- He suffered a reversal of fortune and lost all his money. 他时运逆转,丢失了全部钱财。
- In light of current trends, a bright future seems assured for Ethernet. 就目前的趋势来看,以太网肯定有一光明的未来。
- In light of current trends,a bright future seems assured for Ethernet. 就目前的趋势来看,以太网肯定有一光明的未来。
- There developed, as a result, a reversal of the normal practice. 结果就产生与常态相反的做法。
- a cylindrical arrangement of insulated metal bars connected to the coils of a direct-current electric motor or generator,providing a unidirectional current from the generator or a reversal of current into the coils of the motor 电流转换器;整流器绝缘金属棒的圆柱形配置,连接到直流电动机或发电机线圈上,从发电机中提供方向不变的电流或对电动机线圈提供反向电流
- That would be a reversal of the order of host and guest. 这样做就主客颠倒了。
- At least European moan s about successive years of the yuan’s depreciation against the euro, making European exports costlier, have now been silenced by a reversal of the trend. 至少,欧洲人抱怨这些年人民币对欧元贬值导致了欧洲出口代价高昂,现在随着形势的转变,他们闭嘴了。
- At least European moans about successive years of the yuan's depreciation against the euro, making European exports costlier, have now been silenced by a reversal of the trend. 至少,欧洲人抱怨近年来人民币对欧元的贬值,使得欧洲出口成本的提高,现已经因为趋势的扭转而沉默了。
- This article reviews the related ophthalmic journals in the last ten years to address the topic of current trends of resident education in ophthalmology. 本文搜集近十年内眼科期刊上,住院医师??育改革的相关文章,并加以整理,以简要说明目前眼科医学??育的新趋势。
- A sharp reversal of direction, as of a ball carrier in football. 急转向相反方向急转,如橄榄球比赛中的持球球员的反切动作
- I also need to see a driver's license with prove of current address. 我还想看看你的驾照以证实一下你现在的住址。
- A complete reversal of method or conduct. 逆行方法和行动的完全改变
- The findings suggest that there may be worker health repercussions as the result of current trends in the U.S. labor market, such as outsourcing, downsizing and the increase in nonstandard jobs with reduced hours and benefits. 该研究报告分析说,造成上班族健康状况出现如此变化的原因或许在于美国劳动力市场眼下日渐流行的几种做法,比如通过外购来获得更多的服务或产品,企业规模缩小以及那种工作时间及福利待遇均大打折扣的非标准就业岗位的大幅度增加等。
- Politicians sway to the current trends of voters. 政治家迎合选民的当前观点。
- The referee awards points for a takedown, an escape position, a reversal of control, a fall, a near fall, or near pin. 对下列动作,裁判员给分:摔倒,摆脱成功,反控制翻上,完全摔倒(两肩着地),接近摔倒(两肩着地)或接近压下(两肩着地)。
- A reversal, as in policy; an about-face. 向后转转向反面,如在政策上; 大转变
- Reversal of current direction. 颠倒电流方向
- Your way of doing things at the moment seems to be a reversal of the order of host and guest. 你现在的作法似乎是喧宾夺主。