- When there's a rift in the lute, the business of the lawyer be to widen the rift and gather the loot. 当有了不和的预兆之时,律师的生意经就是要扩大其不和,并搜集其掠夺物。
- When there 's a rift in the lute, the business of the lawyer is to widen the rift and gather the loot . 当有了不和的预兆之时,律师的生意经就是要扩大其不和,并搜集其掠夺物。
- When there's a rift in the lute,the business of the lawyer be to widen the rift and gather the loot. 当有了不和的预兆之时,律师的生意经就是要扩大其不和,并搜集其掠夺物。
- When there's a rift in the lute,the business of the lawyer is to widen the rift and gather the loot. 当有了不和的预兆之时,律师的生意经就是要扩大其不和,并搜集其掠夺物。
- When there 's a rift in the lute, the business of the lawyer is to widen the rift and gather the loot. 当有了不和的预兆之时,律师的生意经就是要扩大其不和,并搜集其掠夺物。
- When there's a rift in the lute, the business of the lawyer is to widen the rift and gather the loot. 当有了不和的预兆之时,律师的生意经就要扩大其罅隙(不和),并搜集其掠夺物。
- The sun appeared through a rift in the clouds. 太阳从云层间隙中冒出来。
- To behold a rift in the immense blue pane of the firmament! 在无边无际的象碧色玻璃的苍穹上看到了一条裂痕!
- Then why, O Blissful One, dost Thou cause a rift in it? 那么有福的一位,你为什么要引发不和呢?
- Just then, the wind blew a rift in the grey clouds, and in silver moonlight they reached the north end of the street. 这时,风把灰云吹裂开一块,露出月光,二人已来到街的北头。
- The blast also caused a rift in the Nether itself, drawing the otherworldly Ethereal's into Outland. 爆炸还造成裂痕在荷兰本身,提请空想无形的进入外域。
- One hot-headed castaway's assertiveness causes a rift in the newly re-formed tribe. 一个头脑发热的参赛者过度自信导致了一个新联盟的破裂.
- Mr Mbeki promptly sacked Mr Zuma as the country's deputy president, causing a rift in the ruling party that rapidly grew into an unbridgeable chasm. 祖马受到指控后,姆贝基立即解除了他副总统的职务,这使得执政党内部原本的一条小裂缝迅速发展成一道无法逾越的鸿沟。
- They did not realize then that the argument they had just had was the rift in the lute that would eventually lead to divorce. 当时他们并没意识到,他们刚刚的争论是导致最终离婚的征兆。
- a rift in the lute 不和的预兆,精神失常的预兆
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。
- Trying to keep up with his life is causing a rift in their marriage. 想要跟上他的生活方式,造成他们婚姻不和。