- Although the scaffolder had worn a safety harness during the work, no suitable anchorage whatsoever was provided. 工人在拆除竹棚后,坐于其中一个金属支架上,以便拆除附近之支架。
- A Sussex police spokesman said Constable Trevor Perks, who was strapped to a safety harness, managed to catch the man by the scruff of his neck as they both tumbled down the cliff side. 一名苏塞克斯(英国一郡)警方发言人说,这名神勇的警官名叫特雷弗-珀克斯,他仅凭身上的一条安全绳,就在那名自杀者从悬崖一侧坠落的瞬间,同时跳下悬崖,一把抓住了那名轻生者的后颈,救下了这名轻生者的性命。
- Sussex police spokesman said Constable Trevor Perks, who was strapped to a safety harness, managed to catch the man by the scruff of his neck as they both tumbled down the cliff side. 一名苏塞克斯(英国一郡)警方发言人说,这名神勇的警官名叫特雷弗-珀克斯,他仅凭身上的一条安全绳,就在那名自杀者从悬崖一侧坠落的瞬间,同时跳下悬崖,一把抓住了那名轻生者的后颈,救下了这名轻生者的性命。
- Safety harness shall be used during scaffold erection. 在脚手架安装期间必须使用救生衣。
- The fuse acts as a safety device. 保险丝起着保险装置的作用。
- To use a safety belt, especially in an automobile. 系安全带系上安全带,尤指在汽车内
- Safety harness is quite necessary in terms of the accidents. 考虑到意外事故,安全带是必要的。
- A safety strap is used to prevent falling. 安全带是用来防止滑落的。
- The teen used a safety pin to help him escape. 少年借助安全别针从而使自己逃脱。
- Yes,I'd like to use a safety deposit box. 是的,我要用一个保险箱。
- There's a safety deposit box at the Front Desk. 前台有一个存放贵重物品的保险箱。
- To use a safety belt,especially in an automobile. 系安全带系上安全带,尤指在汽车内
- She pinned the gown at the neck with a safety pin . 她在领子那儿用一根别针把睡衣别住。
- My zip 's gone. Have you got a safety - pin ? 我的拉锁坏了。 你有别针吗?
- The machine was railed off as a safety precaution. 为了安全起见,把这台机器用围栏隔开了。
- It's a safety requirement to wear this. 戴上这个是安全的要求。
- Wear a reflective vest or a safety triangle. 穿着反光背心或有反光标示的衣服。
- A buffet of safety. - l'm a safety girl. 安全套自助餐。
- Example: When workers working at height, they must secure their safety harness has been buckled to certain anchorages. 例句:高空作业的工人必须保证其安全绳在锚固件上保险地扣好。
- And you got a safety pin holding your boot up? 却穿着别着别针的靴子?