- a scanty supply of soap 肥皂供应不足
- The crew started to eke out there scanty supply of fresh water. 船员们开始节约使用储量不多的淡水。
- The crew started to eke out their scanty supply of fresh water. 船员们开始节约使用储量不多的淡水。
- I have a coupon for ten pence off a packet of soap. 我有一张优惠券,买一盒肥皂可以便宜十便士。
- A few dingy olives and stunted fig-trees struggled hard for existence, but their withered dusty foliage abundantly proved how unequal was the conflict. Between these sickly shrubs grew a scanty supply of garlic, tomatoes, and eschalots; 在这片土地上,即这个花园里,北纬三十度的灼热的阳光的猛晒之下,有几棵无精打采的橄榄树和发育不健全的无花果树,它们那萎谢的叶子上盖满了灰尘。
- I'm a secret fan of soap operas on TV. 我从不声张我是电视连续剧迷。
- Each bathroom have a supply of soap,bottle of shampoo and bubble bath. 每个浴室都备有香皂、洗发液和浴液。
- Each bathroom have a supply of soap, bottle of shampoo and bubble bath. 每个浴室都备有香皂、洗发液和浴液。
- I bought a piece of soap yesterday. 昨天我买了一块肥皂。
- Then the scanty supply of food was distressing: with the keen appetites of growing children, we had scarcely sufficient to keep alive a delicate invalid. 食品供应不足也令人沮丧,这些孩子都正是长身体的年纪,胃口很好,而吃的东西却难以养活一个虚弱的病人。
- The scanty supply of food was distressing: with the keen appetites of growing children, we had scarcely sufficient food to keep alive a delicate invalid. 食物供应不足也令人烦恼:我们这些正在发育的孩子食欲很强,可是我们的食物几乎还不够养一个虚弱的病人。
- I have only a scanty knowledge of world affairs. 我对于国际事务只是一知半解。
- Our country has a bountiful supply of food. 我们国家有充足的食物供应。
- There was a liberal supply of drinks at the party. 那次宴会上有大量饮料供应。
- A piece of cheese. A loaf of bread. A bar of soap. 一块干酪。一只面包。一块肥皂。
- The camp has a plentiful supply of food. 营地有充足的食品供应。
- There is a cake of soap in the box . 盒子里有一块肥皂。
- Squirrels secrete a supply of nuts for winter. 松鼠为准备过冬而藏坚果。
- We need a bar of soap in the bathroom. 我们需要在浴室里放一块肥皂。
- We have laid in a supply of canned meat. 我们已经贮存了一批罐头肉。