- The sound of his music attracted a school of dolphins. 他的音乐声引来了一群海豚。
- It is a big school of dolphin, he thought. 这群鲯鳅真大啊,他想。
- Acrobatic performances by a school of dolphins may be widely perceived as a sequence of well-rehearsed actions. 一群海豚所表演的杂技,可能让许多人认为这是预先充分排练的结果。
- He graduated from a school of crafts and arts. 他毕业于一所工艺美术学校。
- She attended a school of dress design. 她就读於一所服装设计学校。
- He fathered a school of notable poets. 他创立了著名诗人的流派。
- A school of small fish were swimming in the pool. 一群小鱼正在池水中游曳。
- A school of music or dramatic art. 音乐学院音乐或戏剧艺术的学校
- Jewish mystic and founder of a school of Kabbala. 犹太神秘主义者、喀巴拉派创始人。
- a school of dolphins 一群海豚
- Who suffocated in the dark lake but was saved by a school of fish. 是谁在黑色的湖水中窒息;被一群鱼儿救起.
- A school of marine mammals, such as seals, whales, or dolphins. 海生哺乳动物一群海生哺乳动物,如一群海豹、鲸或海豚
- after a young dolphin had been caught and wounded off the coast of Caira, a school of dolphins came into the harbor and stopped there until the fisherman let his captive go free; 一只小海豚在卡利亚的海滩被捕受伤,一群海豚聚集到海湾,直到渔夫将小海豚放生为止;
- We like to see the performance of dolphins. 我们喜欢看海豚的表演。
- Toward a deep blueness where a school of silver fish wait. 潜向那片深蓝,潜向那些银色的鱼。
- That day, I see a sea turtle, schools of dolphins, and three whales! 当天,我看到一只海龟、成群的海豚和三只鲸鱼!
- Fijian reef explodes in color as a school of anthias swims past. 意译:一个斐济岛的暗礁爆炸了,一群有颜色的小鱼群游过去。
- A school of high caliber; an executive of low caliber. 高质量的学校; 能力较低的行政官
- A new force (e.g. a school of thought, etc.) emerged unexpectedly. 异军突起。
- A school of tiny, glittering fish flicked hither and thither . 一群小小的、闪闪发光的鱼儿东游西窜、忽隐忽现。